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Baby talk!!

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Oh My God Vigo...you trying to give me nightmares :shock:


Do people really die these days while giving birth?


Can I have some of that chocolate please :?


Very rare Gina (unless you watch Holby City :roll::roll: ). If you have a good midwife to look after you, it will be plain sailing but the best thing is not to go in with pre-conceived ideas of how you want the birth to be because it doesn't always go to plan! I had a very difficult ventouse delivery with Tom because he got stuck. Luckily I had no plan and just went with the flow because the doctors and midwives knew best. Ollie was an elective caesarian and it was lovely (despite Rolf Harris singing Stairway to Heaven on the theatre stereo :roll: !)


You'll be fine, chuck. Enjoy your pregnancy - you're not feeling sick so just enjoy it and don't worry yourself ragged!

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Maybe something I can win at!

My babies were 9lbs 5oz, 8lbs 4oz, 8lbs 12oz and 9lbs 10oz


The first was 3 weeks late (stupid obstetrician :!: ) and born by Caesarean after 34 hours labour :shock: The second was born with forceps (the ventouse didn't work and the poor little doctor kept falling backwards across the room :D) The third was natural as was the fourth, although I had him induced a week early because I didn't want another Caesarean.


For me it's definitely true what they say - you forget the agony. Even between contractions actually but you remember the minute another one starts! BUT the moment is so precious, it's entirely worth the effort. I just love babies and would keep having them if it wasn't for the pregnancies and the fact that it is hard on the rest of the family - my eldest was 9 when I had the youngest.


I hope you enjoy it all Gina

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Oooh! Freerange, you replied more quickly than I - and you had a heavier baby!


I think heavier babies sleep through the night more quickly. Do you?


Dunno about that one Ginette; Rosie didn't sleep well for the first three years - I went to work every day on 3-4 hours sleep. I tried everything! She was an otherwise contented baby - apparently Iwas the saem - need my sleep now, though :roll:

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Nice weather for the time of year isn't it


*looks up at sky and ignores horror stories of 10lb babies and trying to stay alive while giving birth*


It took me 3 goes to really get the hang of it, but Katie arrived at home with no pushing involved at 9lbs 8 1/2 She even surprised the midwifes with how fast she was - they'd sent DH downstairs to make some toast! Stay upright, walk about lots & you'll be fine.

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Mine were 8 lbs 7, 9 lbs 2, 9 lbs 13 and 8 lbs and I'm quite tiny so don't worry!


Can't reassure you that a big baby sleeps well though - my elder son (9 lbs 13) used to sleep with his eyes open and wake up at the slightest movement/noise. When he was older he used to stand up in his cot so that if he fell asleep he would fall down and wake himself up :roll:


Now he's 14 and I can't get him out of bed at weekends :roll::!:


Enjoy it all :D

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You just have to keep talking! I have a very angry 16 year old, to whom it is very difficult to talk. My 13 year old is much more mature and easy to get on with. She says some very rude things to us, but somehow it isn't in a rude manner and we get on fine. I'm more nervous of when my son is a teenager though - I've not been a teenage boy, so I'm not so well armed!

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You have that joy to come when Rosie gets to the terrible teens (although it might be earlier than that if any of my friends daughters are anything to go by. Flick's hairs, rolls eyes, and walks off in a huff.


Rosie does a great 'Kevin the Teenager' already, but she knows not to push her luck. Mind you, I was a right tearaway when I was a teenager, and gave my parents a really hard time. So it'll be a challenge! :roll:

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I think heavier babies sleep through the night more quickly. Do you?


Don't think so ! My middle son was the heaviest (9lb 8oz), and he didn't sleep through the night until he started school! Caity was the lightest (8lb 3oz) and she slept through from 3 weeks, bless her heart!

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