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Ridiculously early

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My girls have taken themselves off to bed before seven o'clock both last night and tonight :shock:


It's reasonably sunny, still very light, not anywhere near dusk :shock:




Does anyone else's chooks do this?


Also, Mango the delinquent has been shouting all afternoon. I tried the squirty water trick I read about on here, and have successfully taught her to duck, hide behind the other two before crowing, and run away from me :cry: . Excellent day's work all in all.

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Times vary here. The 'old' girls Dilly Dilly and Pumpkin toddle off any time after they have had their evening mixed corn (around 5 - 6pm at the mo)


The others all fly in in dribs and drabs with two being the very last to go in at night - always the same order - but different times. :roll:

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I've noticed the last couple of days our 2 have been going to bed earlier - they used to go to bed at about 9pm when it was still a little light, but now it's nearer 8 or earlier - it's been very gloomy here for the last week and was getting dark at around 8pm last night, so am assuming it's autumn approaching and the temp drop that's doing it

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