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The Great Escape!

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Fuffknicks and Honk made a bid for freedom today from the big run by tunnelling under the door and squeezing themselves through the gap!!!


This was a definate bid for freedom (rather than building a dustbath) and I found them just outside the run digging up the bark around my Honeysuckle!!


I noticed while I was making a cuppa and looking out of the kitchen window and thought I was seeing things :shock: . They were quite happily scratching around and I felt quite mean making them go back into the run.


Barrie and I have decided to make them an extension into the garden tomorrow, so they can scuttle around a bit more - although the run is huge, they've got no grass in there and you can see them pacing the wire trying to find a way to get to the grass on the other side (the grass is always greener...). We can't let them freerange because our garden backs onto fields and there are loads of gaps they can get through into our neighbour (not that they'd mind) and my cats are out and about and we have foxes.


Once I'd got them back in, I did laugh at their attempt and felt quite proud of them in a weird way!!



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well I say good on them! like your chickens my blinky has the same attitude! shes the one always wanting more land to explore and has a need to climb the highest and she has made many bids for freedom and a few succsesfull ones but luckily they were in my utility room my suggestion is watch them until it gets a bit out if hand! and yes I am very proud of brave blinky!

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Today mine followed me out on a dog walk (only they went the wrong way). I was greeted by a neighbour telling me one of my chickens was lost and the other one had been wandering on the pavement next to the main road!! She is a very adventurous bird and was found about 100 m up the road in someone elses back garden! Poor old Clara just squawked sadly at having lost her pal! I shall have to curtail there freedom as I am back at work next week anyway!

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Georgie love to escape. She flies over the run fence. I've tried trimming her wing feathers - in fact I've trimmed them back as far as I possibly can - to no avail. Then I trimmed both wings - still no different. So, having threatened her with dislocation of both wings and amputation at the shoulder, I gave up....

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