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beach chick

Party animals!!

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sorry to start another thread, but yesterday was my oldest's 11th birthday party. bouncy slide, 20 kids, tea on the grass, etc etc.

anyway, chooks not impressed by arrival of the bouncy slide, and even less so by the arrival of so many people, so they took themselves off and sat under a tree.

party progressed, and then it was tea time - kids all sitting on picnic rugs tucking into hot dogs etc, when there was a sudden shriek. I looked up and all 4 girls were charging across the grass, desperate for a piece of the party action!

children greeted them with various degrees of enthusiasm and/or naked terror depending on the child in question, and I literally had to keep shooing the girls away til tea was over. they were SO determined there MUST be something there for them, it was really funny!

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I was really surprised yesterday, had the hens free-ranging in the garden while I chatted to friends. Another friend arrived with her four-year old and eight-year old - my girls took not a blind bit of notice, happily foraging around amongst people's feet and not at all perturbed by the four-year old rushing after them, although it's the first time they have been out when there have been visitors in the garden.


I maintain my view - chickens have only three thoughts - 'FOOD', 'MORE FOOD' and 'CAN I GET MORE FOOD THAN HER'!

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My 3 older girls joined in my birthday tea yesterday. They stole a breadstick from my mother's plate and I treated them to some cucumber sticks and red pepper. They really wanted a piece of chocolate cake too - but I said No! :lol:

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