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Bored chicks

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I’ve got 4 5wk old chicks still indoors in a large set up but think they are getting a little bored. 
Ones not got all it’s feathers yet so not ready to go outside yet. I’ve given them a dust bath, treat holders ( with chick feed in) and they get tea twice a week. Any ideas??

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You put tea in your original post but I’m guessing from your reaction it was a typo 🤣

I have four 4 wk old chicks in a big box in my downstairs shower. They have a washing up bowl with sand and compost in, their Brinsea Ecoglow, and a London brick which they have some of their food on. I’ll be adding a perch this week. As we’re still mostly working from home though they’re spending afternoons in a little run in the garden as it’s warm - that seems to wear them out and keep them stimulated so they don’t seem so bored when they’re indoors.

Also mine LOVE half a broccoli 🥦 

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Oh Hahahaha yes I see lol Ooopsy sorry lol treats (auto correct ) lol

May try the broccoli 🥦. Think they just need to go out permanently but thanks you the UK weather not sure it’s Time yet lol 

Thanks everyone 

15 hours ago, Herald1 said:

I’ve got 4 5wk old chicks still indoors in a large set up but think they are getting a little bored. 
Ones not got all it’s feathers yet so not ready to go outside yet. I’ve given them a dust bath, treat holders ( with chick feed in) and they get tea twice a week. Any ideas??


15 hours ago, Herald1 said:

I’ve got 4 5wk old chicks still indoors in a large set up but think they are getting a little bored. 
Ones not got all it’s feathers yet so not ready to go outside yet. I’ve given them a dust bath, treat holders ( with chick feed in) and they get tea twice a week. Any ideas??

TREATS not tea lol

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