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The ex-bats are here

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Hi All,


Just wanted to share with you all my new girls who we picked up today from the BHWT rescue.


We've called them margo, Jerry and Barbara as hopefully they will have a good life with us.


Here's the link to my blog - as I can;t work out how to add photo's at the moment.




Thanks to the BHWT - a great organisation - I couldn't believe how busy it was at the house with people collecting their girls.

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Thanks to all for the comments, they are settling in a bit better today.


It's really sad how they have no idea how to be chickens, but they are definitly picking up chckens ways. Jerry is top chicken, follwed by Margo, and the Barbara. Barbara is a bit sorry for herself, but hopefully will perk up tomorrow.


when I opened the eglu this morning they all just sat there looking at me - they had no idea they were allowed to come out - but Margo has learnt how to dig today - so not long before they will be settled I think.

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