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Hello all

Im new to chicken keeping and next month I will be getting 5 Hy-Line brown chickens. I’m looking at the Eglu cube but I’m unsure on run size - would I need a 5 metre run for 5 chickens? The description suggests up to 6 in a 2 metre run which doesn’t seem to work with the 1 metre sq per chicken I’ve read about. They will have some free ranging in the garden but as we have foxes visiting this may be limited! 
Any advice welcome :)

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Six in a 2 metre run could be a recipe for big behavioural problems. Based on our experience (we've made mistakes) chickens need at least 2 square metres each and the more the better. Our bantams need just as much space as our large fowl, because they are so active. At the moment we have a minimum of 3 square metres in the run and they all have outside enclosures they go into from late morning until dusk. Thing about free ranging is it needs to be every day or not at all; they get stressed when they miss days and that can lead to illness. Now it can be sufficient for only be 15 minutes as they seem to have no concept of time, but still every day or not at all I think.

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Instead of getting such a long extension, why not invest in a Walk In Run? Much easier to clean.

I know Beantree advocates 2 square meters per hen, but it does all depend on the hens and some breeds are much more comfortable being confined than others. Some quieter bantams can definitely do with less. Although more is always better.

I agree on the free ranging. Chickens are very much creatures of habit and those habits can be difficult to break. Mine get to go out once every blue moon, but they will start demanding it if you do too often. And they can both be very persuasive and bossy about it.

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When thinking about the size of a run, think worst case scenario .  That is when there is a national Avian Flu outbreak and we have to keep all poultry in a covered run 24/7. Last time it was from December to April.  No free ranging at all.  So get a run big enough to cope with keeping the girls happy if they can’t get out. 

Edited by Patricia W
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