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sleeping times, how long? advice pls

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I put mine to bed at about 7pm tonight, around sunset time and they get up at about 7.30am, around sunrise when i let them out.


Are they okay to be cooped up for his long without food and water?

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They'll be perfectly fine.


Mine go to bed when they feel like it, and get up when they feel like it, which is at early dusk in the evening and well before dawn in the morning.


The smell of the dog warns Raynard off during most of the year, but I don't chance it from November on, I do lock the run then!


You don't have to lock the Eglu door, they soon learn to push it open to get in and out, so if they really want...


YOU manage overnight (don't you???) :D

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phew, thanks for ressurance! :)



YOU manage overnight (don't you???) :D


yes but I don't go to bed until midnight and I get up at 7am, to let my babies out :wink:



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I read somewhere that their night vision is almost non existent, so as soon as the light starts to go they take themselves off to roost until daylight strikes again. They are a bit like us though. I've found that the old girls send the babies to bed first and then follow half an hour later! 8)

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We lets ours go to/from bed, and they do that with how dark it is.

That is maybe 7 to 7 roughly at the moment.


mine won't go on their own yet but I also worry if something disturbs them and they come out into the run that they'll be vulnerable. I like to make sure they're locked up safe and sound.


We used to have an aviary with budgies, finches, cockatiels etc and they went into their roost at night by themselves and came out in the morning but one night, something disturbed them and they all came out, flying around in the dark and some damage was done (I won't go into detail) so now, I'm just a bit over cautious and want to make sure my girls are tucked up safe and sound.


Thanks again guys for the reassurance.




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Mine have been going to bed about 6.10pm for the last few days and I shut the eglu door once they have settled. I open it again about 7.00am when I get up. They didn't seem too keen this morning to come out - there was quite a bad frost and they stayed inside for 20 mins or so :)

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