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Guest Eliza & Maud


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And there was me with this delightful image of some cherubic child going in to lovingly cradle the rescued frogs in his protective hands so they could go and make lots of little frogs in a safe pond :oops:


With my own teenagers taller than me, I should have known better :roll:


Do tell all 6'3" of him that hens killing and eating a frog makes the Texas Chainsaw Massacre look PG - sad but true. I don't mind my darling girls fighting over a worm or slug but I do draw the line at anything with a backbone.

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I've seen my girls go for a frog - and it wasn't that little either - and it wasn't a pretty sight. Definitely Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Jurassic Park! It was a tug of war but luckily I rescued the poor thing and popped it into the pond where it swam off. I'm hoping it's one of the cuddling frogs in there at the moment - a sign it's recovered from it's ordeal!!

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here on Herts/Essex border we started off with fog but it soon lifted and its glorious outside now. the girls are happily foraging about, my 2 dalmatians are flat out basking on the patio, and my 2 kitten/cats are up an apple tree each! i've seen a huge bee and a couple of ladybirds this morning, the birds are all in nesting frenzy. and all my teenagers have gone out!! its a truly lovely day!

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21 March - First Day of Spring - whatever 'they' say :lol::lol:


Weather forecasts are so bad that here in the Midlands we have to hang seaweed out of the window - or just pick which bits we like out of everyone elses weather, they frequently mention SE, SW, N, W, E and even NI but £"$£$**^ the Midlands!!!! :roll::twisted:

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His girlfriend is Hungarian living near border in Romania - Transylvania actually. He's visiting (again) for two weeks and living with her family. It's great because we get to hear how others live and what they eat etc. (proper food and no c**p - JO would like it! :lol: )

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According to Google it is World Water Day!


I'm glad you educated me there Lesley...I noticed the funny graphics but didn't know why. Wondered if it was because it was raining but seemed unlikely.

They had a good on for St.Patrick's Day, so thought maybe the graphics person was just experimenting (with something) & showing off skills (like people changing their Avatars) :wink:

Anyway, glad you explained; off to put some extra buckets in the garden...the girls prefer drinking out of them so I'll save some tap water :idea:

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