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King Kong !

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So, after saying that I was going to take more exercise, I have spent the last 3 hours on my bum watching King Kong.


I didn't mean to go really, but sort of got swept along by the rest of the family, but I just wanted to post what a fabulous movie it is.

A little scary for very small people, but I enjoyed every las minute of it.

Beautifully shot,wonderful costumes,action all the way AND the divine Adrian Brodey :P


So Ladies, if you children try to drag you along DO GO....it is a wonderful,wonderful film :P

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I have seen King Kong and thought it was pretty good. Some good CGI action scenes and some overly dramatic gazing into each others eyes soppy moments. But I liked it all. I would be wary of taking kids under 12 along and even kids aged slightly over if they are sensitive. There are odd moments where I physically cringed and shuddered but maybe that is just me.


Have seen Narnia also and loved it, but I love the Narnia books to death anyway. Good battle scenes and I cried a little bit at one point, but again that might be me being overly sensitive!

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I've got to admit that I would like to see Narnia. To be honest King King doesn't really sound like my kind of a film, although plenty of times I've thought that, then been dragged to see a film by others and ended up loving it , and from what you've said here King Kong sounds like it might be one of those films.

Narnia on the other hand really appeals, but I've also read and loved the books, so much so that I'm slightly scared that the film could be a disappointment

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I think my boyfriend was a bit disappointed with Narnia when we saw it. I think he was expecting a big action packed epic. I just wanted it to stay faithful to the book and not be modernised and messed around with. In that sense I was very pleased, it left me with the same sense of satisfaction that reading the book did and the fighting and battle scenes were dramatic enough to impress me!

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I do not want to see Narnia at all, but then I didn't want to see King Kong & it was SO good!

I dislike the Narnia books (I don't like the religious undertone), & Jonothan Ross had some pretty scathing things to say about the movie, & I really value his opinion.


My 12 year old daughter has seen Narnia & quite liked it, but she preferred King Kong :?


It was pretty frightning & creepy (the bugs!) but both of my children were fine & want to get the DVD when it is released.

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Seen both Narnia and King King and loved them both. And if Jonathan Ross had scathing things to say about the Narnia film, I think I must just assume that he was just in a bad mood that day. I can't honestly see what there is to criticize - unless you actively dislike the books.


King Kong goes on a little too long - but it is very very good - and very sad.

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I think his comments were that he expected more of a lord of the Rings type spectacle, & that some of the effects looked a bit dodgy.

And that it went on a bit too long.


Isn't it a personal thing, movies & books we either love or hate?

I can't wait for "Memoirs of a Geisha" later this month because I adored the book - but that can often make enjoying the movie harder as your expectations are higher.


I will never forget how disappointed I was with the TV adaptation of "The Thorn Birds" when the main character didn't even have the right colour hair (which is central to the book) :?

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Clare, I don't think I would be brave nough to read "The silence of the Lambs"!

The movie scared the pants off me, & books are always worse (something to do with reading them at night maybe?)


Have you read "Brokeback Mountain?" that is supposed to be an amazing movie, & it is out very soon too.It is a wonderful short story.


"The red tent" is also a fave book of mine (VERY like memoirs...), & is possible being adapted to a movie this year :D

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Thanks for that Sarah, I will keep an eye open for those books and get them to take on hols - I never get round to reading at any other time :roll:


I always find the films more scary than the books - although the whole psychological thing was lost in the film of 'silence of ..' I hate the jumpy bits in films - scare the wits out of me :oops::roll:

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On Films -


Did anyone see that film last night (Monday) with Leonardo DeCaprio, Tom Hanks and the other famous fella who played Leo's Dad who's name has slipped my mind?


I think it was called, 'Catch Me if You Can' and it was a true story about a young 17 yr old embezzeling loadsamoney from the government in the USA. I was GLUED!


Fab film, and a positive ending too where he ended up working for the fraud dept. at the FBI. He now designs the cheques we use today as he was the master of reproducing them, he sort of knows the best designs to go for. Brilliant!

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I saw that last night Gina - it was really good.


I missed the beginning - I was channel hopping and came in where he was being pushed around in the school corridor then went in to teach the french class.


Did I miss much before that?



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Not really Annie. The beginning of the film actually showed the end where he is captured by the French Police and he is in a french jail looking a bit worse for wear with long dirty hair, torn clothes and some sort of bronchial cough! Good old Tom came to his rescue though - although he did nearly escape again, but his illness stopped him from running very far. :roll:



Christopher Walken - I knew it would come to me!

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