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Blue Egg Layers

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I hatched 3 Shetland chicks 12 weeks ago and they lay blue/ green/olive eggs, when they are old enough. The eggs I hatched them from I got from a friend and they were a light powdery blue colour. I've been told it's difficult to sex young Shetland birds but going by the pics I have 2 girls and a boy, it has a larger comb and wattles and is about 2 inches taller than the others 2. The Shetland hen is related to the Arucana and has some similarities.P1000148.jpgP1000084.jpgP1000121.jpg

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They are lovely chooks Rab. I think you are right about the boy - look at those hackle and tail feathers, big feet - and he's very upright! I didn't realise the shetlands were like araucanas - they aren't anything like how I expected them to look! :lol:


I have worked in Shetland for 17 years and this is the first Shetland hens I have seen, these 3 are supposed to be the large variety but there is also bantams birds up here as well. There is no specific colour for the breed but most are black with trhe variation of colour on the neck and back.

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A couple of blue laying hybrids are on my shopping list, but I can't find anywhere around here with any.


So,if anyone hears of any in the south east, please let me know :D


I got my Cream Legbar from - Gould Life Poultry, Pinvin, Nr. Pershore.

Tel - 01386 544362 / 07894 743816


She isn't laying yet but now has the green earlobes. She also had Araucana's.


Lovely lady... and some great chooks - I will be going back for more when I've talked hubby into it :wink:



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