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kool at Kew!

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Oh sorry to all you who couldn't make it today hope it's on for next time, just had to post. Thoroughly enjoyed and sorry to leave. Such lovely people and Hanns and Will were their usual charming selves ( :D:D hope you've taken note boys :wink: ) Think I lowered the tone a couple of times :oops::oops: and sorry not to have said more Lesley, go carried away in the corner and then you'd gone.


On a high and once again thanks KateA for all the work. Roll on June.


Mikey now quite keen and feel on a real high!


Hope you have a good time tomorrow Lesley and hope your night is fab Clare. :D


Thumbs up Kate and hope those doggles made you a nice G and T when you got home Mel!


Buzzing Buffie XXX

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I've posted some photos in the Meet the Eglu owners album in the gallery. They were just snaps as we all sat round the table. If anyone has any objections to having their photo in the album, please let me know and I'll remove them.


Sorry they aren't terribly good. My pants are super - my photography is not!

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Don't know Graham! We all spent the whole time in the Orangery, chatting, drinking coffee and eating cake!! It was drizzling when I left but not nearly enough to spoil a terrific day. Wish you could have been there.


Hopefully there will be some more photos appearing in the gallery soon as lots of us took cameras and there were several group shots taken of us all by Johannes. Unfortunately I was so busy trying to hold in my tummy that I didn't remember to hand in my camera for a shot too!!

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Ahhh. :idea: Recognise Will and Johannes from my "Keeping pet chickens" book which presumably they both wrote looking at the authors. They are in a few pictures in the book with the distinctive facial hair (like some of the folkies I know). Lovely book incidently as lots of really cute pictures of chickens everywhere which is what a chicken book should be like. Not like some poultry books I looked through with how to kill and pluck a chicken :x

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:lol::lol::lol: Yes, lovely young men. 8) Brave too!

I agree about the book Chocchick, I know we're biased but I really do think it's one of the best beginners' books around.

Buffie, I felt enthusiastic about the day too, terrific, was just trying to resist logging on this evening...didn't last long :roll:

I would have liked to have spent longer chatting to everyone, it's hard with a large group. But lovely to see everyone who was there, what a great bunch.

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There is something nice about a man who like animals. :roll: I bet they have a good chicken collection, never thought of that as selection criterium for blokes before (lucky I've got nice bloke and chickens already). :lol: Not sure about facial hair though. Sorry Omlet guys, I'm sure you're lovely. :oops: :

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I think people like my OH are here to do technical computery things so others don't have to do anything too complex. :!: We have a good Internet connection but there are random pieces of electronics scattered around the house, our phone goes through the Internet :?: and our TV is now controlled by a computer and both can crash :shock: . John has a photo of me as the background to his phone looking at him in mock horror at the new techology that is his phone.:shock:

Good luck, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. :D :

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Sheila, I realised I didn't have a photo of you or Lesley, Carl, Jake and Lauren when I got home and was very miffed. I'm hoping that some of the others have different photos and can post them in the gallery.


I do however have a really nice picture of you from Lesley's get together last year if you'd like me to post that! I'd be very happy to as it's a terrific picture (even though I say so myself :wink: ).

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Hurray - you're all back!!


Glad you had a fab time, photo's are great. So nice to have you all back too. I was thinking about you all yesterday morning while I was lying in bed at 10.30am!!


SO sad I couldn't come, and am really looking forward to meeting up with some of you soon.


Welcome back all :D

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