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:lol: love the idea of the reindeer prints ... youngest child in my extended family is 17 and definitely NOT going to be impressed by that.


Anyway ... back on topic :wink: this is one of my favourite recipes, it only uses 2oz oats, Lesley, so you may still be using them for a while! Known as Penny Cake* in my family, it is brilliant for picnics, camping, lunchboxes etc. and it improves if you keep it for a few days, and it is really easy.


6 oz butter/margarine

8 oz demerara sugar

2 large eggs, beaten

8 oz mixed fruit

2 oz porridge oats

6 oz wholemeal plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

2 oz glace cherries, halved


Melt the butter in a saucepan, then stir in everything else! Bung it into a greased shallow tin, 11"x7", bake for 20-30 minutes at Gas 4/180 degrees. Cut into squares when cold. I often do double and cook it in a traybake tin.



*The recipe was passed on by my cousin Penny! 8)

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ooh - apricots! Now there's an idea. I also made Melting Moments last night, which is in Mary Berry's Fast Cakes, an absolutely brilliant little book - they are biscuits made with porridge oats, and they are really easy to make and delicious.


I'm not sure if it's ok to post a recipe from a book on here? I won't have a chance before Sunday anyway, but if you don't have this book I really recommend it.

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Thank you Egluntine! Not sure about if the Mary Berry recipe is online, not had a chance to look but I'll research it.


I have got another use for porridge oats, though, Lesley! Been away to visit a friend for the weekend, and we took her children (4 and 6) to a local Christmas Craft Club. It was brilliant - there were lots of tables with different activities at each - make a card, make a snow picture, make a little bag with stickers on, tree ornament etc. Anyway, I learned how to make Magic Reindeer Food, so I thought I'd pass this on for any of you with young children who might like to try this!


Take a bowl, mix a cupful of porridge oats, a pinch of magic flying dust (I believe this was salt, but it could have been sugar, I didn't taste it!) and some glitter. (This was then stirred up carefully by each child, and poured into a paper cupcake case standing on a sheet of red tissue paper.) Gather the tissue up around the cupcake case, in a sort of Christmas pud shape, and tie it up with some Christmas ribbon. On Christmas Eve, you sprinkle this mixture outside the house, and the shiny glitter shows the reindeer which way to go! :wink:


I do love Christmas ... presumably mice or something will eat the porridge oats, but hopefully not the glitter. You could get rid of a few more oats this way!

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