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Careless Teenager!

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2 weeks ago my eldest daughter lost her phone so she had to report it and they sent her out a replacement sim card which she has put in one of her old phones until her contract ends and she can get a new one (in May).....big lecture given about being more careful, blah, blah :evil:


She phoned me a wee while ago to say she has lost her bag - with phone, purse, keys etc. inside. She was at the pictures and remembers hanging it on the backof the toilet door. She got the bus to her boyfriends and when she realised it was missing they stood and waited for the bus to come back from the next village but it wasn't on it.

I phoned the local police station to ask if it had been handed in and was cut off by a very abrupt police officer, so called back and complained :roll: , then spoke to a girl who told me to report the card missing immediately. Was then on hold for over 10 mins at the bank :twisted: ........daughter is really upset - cos all her make-up is in the bag :roll: . Cue lecture no. 2!

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Oh Fee I hope it turns up, there's nothing worse. She has to deal with the loss of her posessions knowing it was her fault.


Tell her this.... I was once in Kendals in Manchester (posh shop where the Omleteers met!) in the ladies. I went into the cubicle & there was a Kendals shopping bag hanging on the door hook which had lots of expensive goodies in it, like perfumes etc.

I took it out & asked if anyone had left it.... the lady washing her hands claimed it & was very relieved. She was the actress who was on Coronation Street ( don't know her name) & she also currently appears on Loose Women on ITV sometimes.

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Oh Fee that's awful. I had my handbag stolen while on holiday a few years ago, I hadn't had time to remove items from it before going on holiday so I lost everything: house keys, 2 credit cards, bank card, every store card I owned, driving licence (giving my address) glasses (was wearing contacts at the time) and lots of things of sentimental time. OH was fab, never got cross with me for being careless but we had to organise the house locks being changed while in the middle of Rome!


Jules said:

She was the actress who was on Coronation Street ( don't know her name) & she also currently appears on Loose Women on ITV sometimes


Was it Sherrie Hewson by any chance?

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Oh, I hope she has more luck getting it back today Fee.


It's a nightmare changing bank cards at this time of year - my SIL has just had to change all his............ after Lauren hid his wallet and then went to bed. He couldn't find his wallet, didn't think to wake Lauren up and ask (she hid it once, in his shoe)... my daughter was out (she would have dragged Lauren out of bed to ask :wink: ) and so he cancelled everything :roll:

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Poor girl :( . That's a hard lesson.


I once left my handbag hanging on a door in the ladies at the Filmhouse in Edinburgh. Only realised after the film was over. Went to the ladies, full of trepidation, to find it still there! It is a better class of cinema, don't you know :lol: it might not have been there if it had been the multiplex.


My son has lost:


one school shoe ( :shock: )

a pair of joggers

a school jumper

a school polo shirt

a thermal top (not cheap :evil: )


none of which we got back, despite there being a so-called successful lost property system at the school.

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Just to also add, was there anything in your daughters handbag with her address in it? Only I noticed you said her keys were in it. Sorry to add more doom and gloom but particularly at this time of year you may need to change your locks. Can't you tatoo somthing on her forehead? That's what my mum used to threaten me with :wink:


Mrs Bertie

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Just to also add, was there anything in your daughters handbag with her address in it? Only I noticed you said her keys were in it. Sorry to add more doom and gloom but particularly at this time of year you may need to change your locks. Can't you tatoo somthing on her forehead? That's what my mum used to threaten me with :wink:


Mrs Bertie


Good point. My daughters housemate had her handbag stolen and we had to change the locks as she stuff in her bag which identified her.


Cost £150 I'm afraid. Just to cheer you up.

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Good point. My daughters housemate had her handbag stolen and we had to change the locks as she stuff in her bag which identified her.


Cost £150 I'm afraid. Just to cheer you up.


... but it may well be covered under your household insurance policy. Of course there will be an excess, but you might be able to recover her lost cash, value of phone etc. as well. Worth checking!

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Thanks everyone - I went to the cinema this morning and they didn't have it. Her new debit card and sim card will take about 5 days to come (but she's managed to dig out yet another old phone to use in the meantime). I personally think she's left it on the bus and someone has lifted it before they checked on it's return journey. There was nothing with her address on so the keys aren't a problem.

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