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OK I bought Christmas Dinner

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Yep - I'm having a ligtherlife vegtable soup wiht a savoury drink BUT "Ooops, word censored!"ody seems in the mood for this dinner lark in our house because it's just us.


Mum hadn't even got round to buying a free range chicken and here we are the Saturday before Christmas. When I talked to her she said she would far prefer Turkey as she loves turkey dripping (so do I actually, I'm vegitarian through taste not ethics). So I said I'd pop to the turkey farm round the corner on my errands this morning.


I bought a 4 kilo, free range bronze turkey (cost me nearly £40 EEEK!). We drive past this turkey farm all the time and have seen the birds out free ranging in the field so we know they have had a lovely life. The lady found me the smallest one she could but I think there may be a lot of leftovers with only 1 woman (mum) and a 5 year old to eat it. Cold turkey sandwiches anyone???


I also bought veggies from the farm shop but not any spuds as they were dirty - and I'm not sure how good they were, I'm used to being able to examine nice CLEAN potatoes. All we need now is spuds and stuffing - which I can probably buy pain free at Makro tomorrow (there is no way on this earth I am going near a supermarket this near Christmas!).


All I need now is a good recipe, I usually do Delia but last year the bird was overcooked so I may try somethig different.


Good job I like cooking, considering I won't be eating!

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We also bought christmas dinner today. In the past we have ordered a turkey from a butchers shop but today we went to a farm shop and bought a fresh locally reared free range turkey. We had one that is just over 13lb that cost an astronomical amount (almost £50).


Also bought all my fruit and veg from there and must admit everything looked really good. Just hope everything tastes as good as it looks as we are cooking for 8 on Tuesday.

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Stuffing thread in All things Nice . . .


I am delighted to pay a lot for my turkey - not that mine seemed all that much this year :? I hope I wasn't undercharged Lesley . . . :?


I believe I am paying the true value of the meat I am buying. I don't want to pay less or the farmer may feel he has to cut a few corners to make it a viable business. I always want to pay whatever it costs. If I can't, then we can't afford to have it. It's a sort of Fair Trade at home thing.

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Must admit I was pleasantly surprised at the price, although it's pretty much the same everywhere around here :? I wouldn't like to think I was getting anything at a cost to someone else. Actually, I've just worked it out - £1.85 per pound, so £27.50. Paid £25 for a 20 lb bird last year. It is a fraction cheaper than the butchers, but maybe that is because they rear and process them all themselves on the premises. :?

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Oh I totally agree that its worth paying extra for a bird you know has been well looked after and has had a good life.


I'm just miffed as we can't finish a medium sized chicken - the cats eat most of it!


Oh well I guess we won't have to buy cat food for a few weeks....

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We tend to freeze left over meat for later curry stir fry etc. We don't waste it because I hate to waste something that once lived.


I understand the EEK about price we buy as a Kellybronze 6 kilo £75 but it is worth it, only once a year after all there are the welfare issues, and the taste is something else.

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Ginette - no, you weren't undercharged! :D


Believe me.......... if you had to pluck those turkeys, you'd be happy to pay double the price!!! :lol: My thumb is still numb!!


Peng...... have you had a problem before with dirty potatoes then?. I wouldn't have thought there would be much of a problem with them just because they were dirty :?


.... and I agree about freezing the leftover turkey - sliced breast meat is fine, after it has been frozen, to use as another roast dinner, and the pieces will make plenty of stew or curry and you wouldn't have to be cooking another bird from scratch for a while.

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Peng...... have you had a problem before with dirty potatoes then?. I wouldn't have thought there would be much of a problem with them just because they were dirty :?


They were dirty and in a bag I couldn't see if they were OK and as I couldn't pick them up and feel them there was no way of telling. This is not a farm shop I use regularly so I don't know the quality of their produce well enough to take a chance.


At least when they are clean and in the bag you can do a good visual check.

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Seems a shame to waste it on cats.


You can do so much with the cold meats.


What about making some meals for James.


He just doesn't eat them! He eats a good meal every day at school and then either salady bits or a pizza or similar in the evening. At weekends we try and get him to eat a good meal but more gets wasted than eaten. I'm afraid he has picked up a few of my food fads. I will put away enough for a few pre cooked roast dinners and some turkey sandwiches but anything more exciting is simply a waste of my time as it won't get eaten and after its been stewed, curried etc even the cats won't want it.

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Ha - I looked in the cupboard and found we had enough spuds left over from last week!


Then I went to Makro to buy toilet rolls and I bought the stuffing and some cream for the Christmas Pudding. Of course I bought 2.5 kilos of stuffing but hey - it lasts forever!


So that Christmas dinner without going to any supermarkets!

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Then I went to Makro to buy toilet rolls and I bought the stuffing and some cream for the Christmas Pudding. Of course I bought 2.5 kilos of stuffing but hey - it lasts forever!


So that Christmas dinner without going to any supermarkets!


I have visions of you with 25 toilet rolls and 4 pints of cream to go with your 2.5kg of stuffing! :shock:

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