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Has he been yet?

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We put mince pies and blackberry vodka out for Santa. They've *ahem* gone now :oops:8) The boys are fast asleep, their stockings are full. I just need to tidy the kitchen a bit then off to bed - just listening to the service from Worcester Cathedral first. Heaven knows what time they will be up in the morning! :shock:

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:lol: Not here yet; 3 offspring are in the pub, so I expect he will wait until they're in bed, whenever that might be!


OH is surprised that he doesn't visit Esther's door soon, and then come back for the others before they're up in the morning.

But, imagine their poor little faces (25, 23 & 20) if they went to bed thinking he'd been already & they'd missed out! :lol:


Still, you're supposed to be good & tucked up in bed early if you want him to visit, the naughty stop outs.


Wonder what time I'll go to bed. :lol:

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