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Tessa the Duchess

Jamie in today's Times

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It was strange, though, that the article is illustrated with pictures of caged egg laying hens while it is all about intensive rearing of meat chickens. I know that's pedantic but it was almost style ruining substance for me.


It's taken me a while but I think I've finally persuaded dh that paying around £10 for a decent sized free range chicken from the butchers is more acceptable than getting an enormous super chicken from Tesco for £6. The taste of free range whole birds is so good I don't think I could ever buy an intensive one again.



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we don't buy whole chickens as there's too much waste IMO, we tend to buy breasts. What we find with free range meat is that it goes further as it's not pumped full of water, which evaporates on contact with the pan and your meat magically shrinks!


In our ignorant days, we used to use 2 cheap chicken breasts for a stir fry for 2 people. With free range breasts, we only need to use one breast so, IMO, it's worth twice the price as it goes further, tastes nicer and I can eat it with an almost clear conscience (I still wish I was a veggie :( )

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I couldn't see any pictures (except the one of Jamie) :? .




He is everywhere, pontificating on anything and everything. He is in the latest edition of Gardener's World with a year's vegetable planter. I'm afraid I'm beginning to think that he will put his name to anything - presumably if there is money attached.


Her indoors says I'm just a terrible cynic; she thinks he's great (although she calls him an Essex Boy ... )


Maybe I am just a cynic ....

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I was shocked at how young chickens are slaughtered, I still think of Spice as a baby at 20 weeks. I'm glad I'm veggie.


As for Jamie, I have to admit I'm a little cynical, but I still like watching him, and at least he is making some people more aware of what they are eating. In this age of celebrity, it needs Jamie's, Hugh's and Gordon's to persuade some people to think about things, unfortunately.

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I was shocked at how young chickens are slaughtered, I still think of Spice as a baby at 20 weeks. I'm glad I'm veggie.



I agree, most standard chicken are slaughtered at less than 40 days old. :shock: Organic and free range are mostly longer - some up to 56 days old, poor little chooks. :cry:

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I've just read in my new Gardeneer's World Magazine that Jamie Oliver will be writing in next month's magazine about how to keep chickens.


I'm torn between being amazed at his versatility and irritated at this need for people on TV to move into other areas to keep their profile up.


Mind you, I might write in and see if they'll give me a list of chicken-proof plants!!



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It was strange, though, that the article is illustrated with pictures of caged egg laying hens while it is all about intensive rearing of meat chickens. I know that's pedantic but it was almost style ruining substance for me.


It's taken me a while but I think I've finally persuaded dh that paying around £10 for a decent sized free range chicken from the butchers is more acceptable than getting an enormous super chicken from Tesco for £6. The taste of free range whole birds is so good I don't think I could ever buy an intensive one again.




Jo, do you have a farmers' market near you? You may well find them cheaper than the butcher - ours certainly is.

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Jo, do you have a farmers' market near you? You may well find them cheaper than the butcher - ours certainly is.


We do have a monthly one nearby but I must admit I'm a bit funny about buying meat from a market stall where it doesn't appear to be refrigerated.


We also have a local free range farm that sells free range chicken. It's fabulous but usually only available frozen and it takes forever to defrost frozen whole chickens!



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