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8 weeks today!!!!!

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Andyman & I will be going to Sri Lanka for two weeks. :D


I have never had a two week holiday and have not been abroad for over three years.


Two of my best friends are getting married out there. Mezza (the bride) is Australian so some of her family will be there from Australia.


I think there is at least 13 of us going.


While we are there the bride will turn 9 (She is a leap year baby and we land on her birthday). The brides father will turn 80 and another friend will turn 33.


What a party we will have. party-smiley-020.gif


I am so excited. I have been counting down since week 40 and now we're nearly there.


My mum is also looking forward to it as she is having the girls while we are away. :D


Although rather them than me going to Stevenage for their holidays.

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How exciting for you - eight weeks will fly by. Have you got an Omlet t-shirt to take with you?? :lol:


Yes, I asked for one for Christmas especially for when we visit the Elephant Orphanage.


Do you think any of the chooks would mind a picture of an elephant on the forum? :wink:


It has already come round so quickly. I now have to try really hard to get rid of the Chrismas Flabbage I have acquired. :roll:


The bride and groom do not want wedding presents because of the cost of the holiday so a couple of us are chipping in to pay for them to have the elephant ride on their wedding day.


This is where we will be staying (if they let us in :wink: )



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Oooo fabulous - a wedding too! They won't regret having a foreign wedding!

Think of the photos. I'd like to go Sri Lanka next year maybe, but this year - Mid February, we are off to Thailand, now how many weeks off is that? :think: (goes off to count).

Have a fab time




Less than 8 weeks. :D

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We normally go to Newquay (at New Year) or Glasgow to visit my Granny.


We are thinking of maybe trying to rent a cottage in the Highlands at Christmas this year or next.


I suppose it depends on the finances after Sri Lanka.


I am not very good with cameras on holiday. I either lose them or they get stolen ( the last night of my holiday in Cuba, some ******* stole my digital camera with all my holiday pics on it :evil: )


I will probably leave the photos up to Andyman. :roll:

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tis the scottish highlands!!! :lol::lol: Brrrr!!

Only brrrr! at this time of year - it can be nice and warm in the summer, honest :wink: . Whereabouts are you going?


I've never been to Scotland, but I'd love to go! Especially if it had snowed! I love lakes & mountains, so I really think we would love Scotland!

You would, you would! It's beautiful :D. Although I would probably admire the snow from photographs and go in spring, summer or autumn :wink: .

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tis the scottish highlands!!! :lol::lol: Brrrr!!

Only brrrr! at this time of year - it can be nice and warm in the summer, honest :wink: . Whereabouts are you going?



oh no, im not going yet! We go every year September time - but booking it now gives me something to look forward too! :D We go to the Skye/Lochalsh/Applecross area, I've found some stunning cottages right by the lochside (really remote and beautiful) and im waiting to hear back from the owners. I absolutely adore Scotland - its like another world to me. :D

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We go to the Skye/Lochalsh/Applecross area, I've found some stunning cottages right by the lochside (really remote and beautiful) .

My brother lived there (overlooking Eileen Donan Castle :roll: ) until fairly recently (his wife & kids still do :( ). It's lovely :) .


The cottage we usually stay in is about a mile from the castle. We have for a number of years considered moving to that area, we look at properties all the time. This year might be the year if we have the courage! :)



(Sorry Lisa for sidetracking your thread!! :wink: )

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This is the holiday cottage I've got my eye on for next year. Can't get it any bigger :? .




Not telling where it is though - it's hard enough to get it booked :roll: . Let's just say it's an awfy lang way away :wink:.

is it the one used in filming "Sense & Sensibility"?

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Lucky you, what a fab holiday. We're off to Disneyland Paris for 4 days around the same time. i know where I'd rather be going :mrgreen:

We're going to Disneyland in May- will you tell us how your trip went? We've never been before, hubby has been to the Florida one.

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