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Omlet English Dictionary - feel free to add new ones!

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i looks really good, i think it should be stickyfied ;)


here's another for you



"Lady parts" - the nether regions of a chicken where the egg comes from.

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Ooooh what about Eglu Bum? A spreading backside caused by too much time sat in front of the computer :lol: . And Cube Bum? - an even larger spread :wink: .



Let's hope Omlet don't decide to make a hen house for more than 10 hens :lol:

None of us would ever be able to sit on an aeroplane seat again..... :wink:

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How about Omleteer. Origin unknown (probably Kate! :lol:)

Meaning : Member of Omlet forum and keeper of hens, usually but not exclusively, in an Eglu!


Already in, but I've added your meaning!


By the way, can someone tell me, do you all get an email alert each time I submit an edit to the original post or just when someone posts?

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