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Music this year?

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Last concert I went to was Erasure ... they were great. Before that I took my son to an open air concert at a stately home...Jamelia, Shane Whatsit from the tv and Girls Aloud. Jamelia was good, Shane was pants and for the amount of time the headline act (Girls Aloud) spent on stage it was hardly worth it. I've seen Mel C in concert a few years ago and she had a good voice. It will be good fun spotting how the Spice Girls try to get away from the fact that Posh can't actually sing, bless her skinny little cotton socks.

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The only time I really listen to music is when I'm doing my daily ablutions and then I put on one of my (several) Billy Joel CDs.


Because I've listened to them so many times, I put them on random play so I don't know what track is coming next :lol:


I never get tired of Billy :D

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The only time I really listen to music is when I'm doing my daily ablutions and then I put on one of my (several) Billy Joel CDs.


Because I've listened to them so many times, I put them on random play so I don't know what track is coming next :lol:


I never get tired of Billy :D


I agree the 'Piano man' works for me too, I also like Simon & Garfunkle.


'I'd rather be a hammer than a snail'


Genius before my time.



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In my CD player in the kitchen, Snow Patrol which has just replaced Madge Confessions on a Dancefloor which I LURVE VERY LOUDLY! :shock:


In half an hour off to see OH playing some blues at the pub at the top of our road - Mum rang to say as it was the last day of our holiday (OH goes back to work tomorrow, I'm already back) she'd pop over and babysit for a couple of hours! :lol:


Mrs Bertie

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I love a bit of Simon and Garfunkel too.


Seen the Boss before - it was amazing


Listen to The Jam a lot (did anyone guess that??)


I like a variety - Radio 2 just about does it for me.


Except Eva Cassidy, was Dads favourite when he died and we played "Over The Rainbow" at his funeral, 7 years on and I can just about keep the radio on when they play her but if they play that track it has to go off.

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Kylie in July, Counterfeit Stones and Midge Ure in March


I have rediscovered a Wheatus album from a few years ago and will have this playing very loudly in the car on Tuesday when I go back to work

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The only time I really listen to music is when I'm doing my daily ablutions and then I put on one of my (several) Billy Joel CDs.


Because I've listened to them so many times, I put them on random play so I don't know what track is coming next :lol:


I never get tired of Billy :D


I agree the 'Piano man' works for me too, ,


Kev, note my new avatar ;)

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in my cd player in the car - foo fighters



Im playing skin & Bones at the moment, ESPG is great but playing it constantly since september is a bit OTT :lol:


I've still got ESPG in there, but I'm lucky cos mine takes 6 CDs so got a compilation one that I've done of all my foo favs too :lol: plus absolution and black holes & revelations by Muse (2nd fav band). Other two are taken up by The Jam - The Gift (my absolute fav band when I was at school) and another compilation that I've done.

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We have similar tastes, the only other band I would want to see live is Muse - they are fab - and hail from down the road in Dawlish, my friends brother went to school with one of the band. 8)


Yes very similar tastes :lol: I veer between Foos & Muse depending on how I'm feeling at the time. Both are fantastic and full of emotion 8). Muse are the only other band that I want to see live too.


It must be very strange to go to school with someone who became that famous. Shrewsbury's only claim to famous band members is Carol Decker from T'Pau :lol:no I lie - the lead singer of Mott the Hoople lived here too. It is also the birthplace of Charles Darwin (which is far more cool 8) )

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