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GOODNESS! Have just been given an Eglu & chickens !!!

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That's great.


I am so not jealous :mrgreen: of you...


As I turn green with envy :mrgreen:


Really I am very envious, but happy for you. If only my parents and relatives etc. were so generous. I don't think my only grandparent would though as he is 85 and lives in an Old people's home and has never heard of eglus.

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Well, they are here,a day earlier than expected.


I didn't go 100% smoothly with the sister-in-Law,who was under the impression that we just wanted the chickens & not the Eglu too :roll:

Despite the fact that we have NOWHERE ELSE FOR THEM TO LIVE !!!!


Anyhow,we sorted it all out & the girls (& Eglu) are here now,& we already have had an egg :P

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Yep,to list on eBay.

The thing is FIL said we could have the Eglu with the chickens,which we agreed to,but to just take the chickens,with no housing would have been impossible :roll:


I don't know what on earth she thought we were going to do with them :shock:


She even sadi we could carry them home in the car on our laps....mad or what?

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Well Sarah, I don't know where I've been since Thursday, (head in the clouds again :roll:) but I totally missed this entire thread :oops:


Glad I found it though :D


Brilliant news. I'm so pleased for you. Odd that they only wanted to give you the chickens. What were they going to do with the Eglu? If they kept the eglu then they may as well as kept the chickens too for the small amount of space a couple of chooks take up :?


All ok in the end, and they are probably glad of the extra space now anyway.


Hope you have had a good 'all things chicken' weekend and have a big :D

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