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What happened to the Physics, Chemistry and Biology that we used to do in my day......... no where seems to do that anymore :?:


I have seperate Physics, Biology and Chemistry lessons, with seperate specilist teachers too. But thats only because im doing "triple award"

Fred, yours sounds exactly like my DD2's Science. She did Core last year (counts as one GCSE) and is doing more Science this year. :oops: I don't know what the proper name is. She has 3 different teachers for the 3 different subjects.


She is also resitting Chemistry on Friday afternoon this week - so I think it must be the same as yours. A 45 minute written paper - Chemistry Unit 1 Tier H. As she got an A for core Science last year, I'm not sure I understand why she is retaking a module. Maybe she's going for an A*? :?


I feel really ashamed that I don't really know what or why she's taking this!

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That's interesting. I'm doing a completely different course to you then Fred, first of all you have 6 multiple choice exams which are 30mins each and this counts as a single GCSE.


To do double science you do 3 written exams on top of the original multiple choice exams and this earns you the GCSE.


To do triple science in total you have 6 multiple choice exams and 6 written exams. This is why we started our GCSE science last year, because it takes ages to do! Other people who didn't do accelarated now have classes after school.

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Devon is in year 10, & I remember there were 3 options for her.


1 - Do the 3 split sciences,this counts as 3 GCSE's

2 - Accelerated science,as Liz describes above

3 - Combined (Think it was actually called something else though) science


She is doind accelerated,so had her first module of 5 this week 8)

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Phew, exam over! :D it was eaisyish, so I think I did well. Nearly all the questions were about recycling and protecting the enviroment!

It definitely was the same exam as DD2 then! Well done Fred!

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We seem to have had a week of exams this week as well. Son did his Spanish oral on Weds, daughter's doing core science this year (she's year 10) and has just had some module results back. She did rather well :D

She should be doing Applied science and Astronomy next year, at least that was the plan before we decided to move :roll: .


Good luck to all of you doing exams........... don't forget to revise, it's dead boring and a pain to actually buckle down and do it, but it's amazing the effect it has on your results, and better still, saves you having to resit and do the whole lot again :wink: .


We're off to son's school next week for parent consultation evening and mock GCSE results. Eeeek. He didn't revise at all I don't think, despite me bullying, bribing and begging him to. I'm pretty pessimistic about the results :(

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