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Question- do chickens do less poops when they start laying?!

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I think he was thinking that instead of their food just passing on through, its going to be converted into eggs (now as I'm typing this I'm feeling silly) - haven't read up on how exactly eggs are made. :oops:


I was told no question is too silly, but this one may have been a little too silly. :?

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I started with one and now I have about 5 on the go.


Mind you I also realised that as my grass cuttings fill a wheely bin after one mow I could possibly compost more!

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Mine pooped like mad the first week they arrived. It settled down but the amount of poop still amazes me. We are are a "3 compost bin family" too. Definately echo the comment about hemcore in the run. I use Auboise about 1 inch deep on the run floor. Auboise is same stuff as hemcore, which I buy from a horse shop (look in the yellow pages). The poop is more manageable, you have to use it to beleive it though as you can't quite explain how it seems to dissappear.

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once again- very reassuring replies- thank you muchly!


I had a very satisfying Sunday afternoon- I moved the eglu onto a fresh bit of grass, cleaned out the tray into the compost bin,(not for the first time though I might add :wink: ) raked up the poop from where their run was too, put some hemcore on the new grass, AND let the girls out for the first time...


they were clucking away- Molly the leader off on her own, the other two exploring the undergrowth that is supposed to be a flower bed!!


So brilliant. :D

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I think he was thinking that instead of their food just passing on through, its going to be converted into eggs (now as I'm typing this I'm feeling silly) - haven't read up on how exactly eggs are made. :oops:


I was told no question is too silly, but this one may have been a little too silly. :?

That almost put me off of my breakfast. :x:lol:

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HI hennypenny- no- they all trundled in the first day on their own accord when it started to get dark (around 4.40 to be precise!).


Yesterday I wasn't going to be around at that time so I picked up 2 of them successfully and put them back in their run, but Miranda the youngest wasn't having any of it- she kept walking away from me just as I was about to pick her up, then she got a bit upset the others were on the other side of the wire to her...managed to coax her in with some raisins in the end, at the same time making sure the other 2 didn't come back out again!!


Good fun!


The weather should be sunny the end of the week- that will be nice for yours...mine didn't seem to like the rain too much last weekend.

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Managing to stroke Molly (the oldest), but the other two are still a bit reticent about me approaching them...I gave them all strokes last night when they were tucked up in their eglu- as someone said on here they are much more docile and dopey at night time and seem more amenable to me.


My children are really keen to be able to pick them up, and I'm sure we will be able to in time, I'm just adopting a softly sofly approach at the moment so we don't scare them.

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