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leaving the door open

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Hi everyone,

Some advice please on whether to close the egle door at night.

Since I`ve had my chooks (last october) I`ve always shut the door when they have gone to bed, but as the longer days and shorter nights arrive

I`m thinking of leaving it open. In the summer months its light at 4 ish

and I dont fancy getting up at the crack of dawn to let them out!!!!!

We have a security light in the garden and they come back out when its on



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i shut my door all year around no matter if its summer or not. I have noisy chooks and i worry my neighbours will be woken up. Therefore I let them out in the summer around 7am otherwise they would be bawk bawking at 4am!


They dont mind being in the eglu, they even lay an egg sometimes. :) in the summer i cover the eglu with a dark cover to keep it darker inside.

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as long as they're safe and nothing can get at them and they're not noisy, I'd leave it open.


We're thinking of (will decide nearer the time) leaving ours open when it gets warmer as our girls make more noise to be let out than they actually do when they're out. They're quite quiet and well behaved once they're out.


Depends on your circumstances.

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I leave mine open unless below-zero temperatures are forecast.


(1) In the summer, it means I don't have to get up early to let them out;

(2) I am sometimes away overnight, so at least they are used to having the door open, and

(3) when I'd only had them a few weeks, and had to leave very early the next morning, I absent-mindedly SHUT the door, when it was supposed to be left open. They were shut in the Eglu all day, and I felt terrible.


I never want to go through that experience again (they were absolutely fine, if a bit puzzled!)

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I used to leave to door open all the time (and I would really love to do so still).


But late last Summer after two or three 4am "bawk, bawk" very noisey wake up calls I gave in and now shut the door each night and open it at 7.30am. The 4am bawking was at cats but the noise was too much for me and I worried the neighbours would complain. I'm sure with these dark mornings that wouldn't happen again so I would suggest you give it a go.


Having said all that, when I go on holiday, I leave the eglu door open permanently so whoever is chicken sitting just comes once a day to feed/water/egg collect.

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