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bad eggs

lost chicken

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Are there any other eglu owners in Woodley (Berks)? If there are have they lost a chicken? I spotted a notice in my local newsagents window saying that a chicken had been found wandering in a nearby street. I am thinking of offering it a home but would my two girls object to a newcomer? Do I take a chance and see? I hate to think what might happen if it isn't claimed by someone soon. What should I do????

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Thanks for all the messages, I went round and offered the chicken a home and am waiting to hear if its OK :D There is one small problem..... I haven't told my husband yet :oops: but as I am the one that feeds and cleans them out I am sure that he won't argue too much. My daughter is excited at the idea of another chicken so she will talk daddy round. :D

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When one of ours went wandering looking for company last summer (the other was broody and noo fun at the time so she kept escaping) apart from the neighbours either side of us the rest of the road hadn't realised we had chickens (and we're a quiet cul de sac where neighbours talk to each other) so although she had only gone 10m to the school no one realised she was ours.


Probably a good idea to ensure your daughter realises it's temporary until the owner is found as it could be a loved pet.


Hello from another local as well ! (but not local enough for it to be mine)

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yay, im glad your rescuing it. i rescued a chicken a little while ago that just wandered into someones house, i asked around and tried to find the owner but to no avail, and now cleo is a dearly loved member of the flock. shes really clever and very good at jumping though, so i can see how she wouldve got lost. i cant keep ehr penned in anywhere, she always escapes.

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