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The Dogmother

School 1960 v school 2007

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Just been sent this.. very true!



Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.


1960 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up



2007 - Police are called, Armed Response Unit arrives and arrests Johnny

and Mark. Mobiles with video of fight confiscated as evidence. They are

charged with assault, ASBOs are taken out and both are suspended even though

Johnny started it. Diversionary conferences and parent meetings conducted.

Video shown on 6 internet sites.



Scenario: Jeffrey won't sit still in class, disrupts other students.


1960 - Jeffrey is sent to the principal's office and given 6 of the best.

Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.


2007 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. Counselled to death.

Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra funding because Jeffrey

has a disability. Drops out of school.



Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives

him the slipper.


1960 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college,

and becomes a successful businessman.


2007 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster

care and joins a gang. Psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers

being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mum has an affair

with the psychologist. Psychologist gets a promotion.



Scenario: Mark, a college student, brings cigarettes to school .


1960 - Mark shares a smoke with the school principal out on the smoking



2007 - Police are called and Mark is expelled from School for drug

possession. His car is searched for drugs and weapons.



Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers, puts them in a model

plane paint bottle and blows up an anthill.


1960 - Ants die.


2007 - MI5 and police are called and Johnny is charged with

perpertrating acts of terrorism. Teams investigate parents, siblings are

removed from the home, computers are confiscated, and Johnny's dad goes on a

terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.



Scenario: Johnny falls during break and s"Ooops, word censored!"es his knee. His teacher,

Mary, finds him crying, and gives him a hug to comfort him.


1960 - Johnny soon feels better and goes back to playing.


2007 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She

faces three years in prison. Johnny undergoes five years of therapy.

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very sadly that is so close to the truth in schools today :roll::roll:


When I was a Governor at my children's primary school I can remember 3 members of staff having to attend a course on how to restrain violent children - in a manner that didnot leave themselves the teachers at risk of being sued or accused of anything untoward :roll: If a child needed to be restrained only these specially trained teachers were allowed to do it :shock::shock:


Please don't get me started on todays education system - i've sat in too many meetings with LEAs and Ofsted on behalf of parents and schools, to know that common sense went out of the window years ago.

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I can remember 3 members of staff having to attend a course on how to restrain violent children


I'm trained in that technique :? . The one we use is called CALM (Crisis and Aggression Limitation and Management - catchy title :roll: ). Trouble is, when we get training we practice on each other. It's a different kettle of fish when you're trying to restrain a writhing, angry, aggressive child. Another obstacle is that a lot of the secondary kids I work with are bigger than the staff so we can't physically hold them. We can't use it on them :roll: .

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It is hard to know whether to laugh or cry.


Overheard recently by my friend who works in a local Post Office.


"If you don't stop making Mummy unhappy we'll have to go home and get some more of your Ritalin before we go to McDonalds"


1960's mother would have said "Do that once more and you will wish you hadn't"

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It is hard to know whether to laugh or cry.


What? About me and my chainsaw?


I can do scary if you like :wink:


1960's mother would have said "Do that once more and you will wish you hadn't".


I clearly remember having my legs slapped in Sainsburys.. see, it scarred me for life :shock::lol: Funny thing is, I can't remember what it was for :roll:

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I clearly remember having my legs slapped in Sainsburys.. see, it scarred me for life :shock::lol: Funny thing is, I can't remember what it was for :roll:


Well, you wouldn't forget that would you :shock: . Were you fighting over the last freerange chicken again :roll: .


(Well, you didn't say how old you were :wink: )


:lol::lol::lol: Oi! :roll:


I must have been acting up - I was a challenge as a child; bordering on the hyperactive.


Nope, no recent embarrassments in supermarkets, not since Rosie told a friend in a very loud voice... 'My Mummy's not wearing any knickers'... :roll::oops:

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