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Guest Poet

isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful? ;0)

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This is Maud not long after she arrived, floppy comb, aneamic face and bare neck






snapped this one of her yesterday, lovely pink face and comb and all feathered up! :D




she's also bigger than she was when she came, isn't she gorgeous? ;)

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i went out to take some photos of them yesterday for a little 'before and after' project i'm working on for someone and i thought this was a lovely shot of her.


I only managed it because she was drinking at the time. The rest of the time, they have their heads down and tails in the air! :lol:


I've also figured out how to set up a gallery on Omlet at last! :D

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they've made such progress and it's a total pleasure to be part of it. They had corn on the cob for the first time today, a little unsure at first but they soon stripped it bare! :D


I made sure we took all those fibrous bits off first though, they look like they could cause an impacted crop.

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