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What a peck!!

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Does anyone else nearly loose a finger every time they open the door of the run?.Mavis our Miss Pepperpot pecks with a vengance whenever my fingers come into her range.Our other chook Ivy does getting to know you pecks,and is much more gentle. I know she's just looking for food but i'm afraid the gloves are on...thick ones!!! :o

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funny you should mention this - my husband got pecked at the weekend, my fault entirely. I had some grapes for the girls which they saw, but then I got distracted by a neighbour over the fence, and he went to go into the run with some ash for the dustbath - and whoops - Barbara thought he was a grape! She broke the skin too!

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they don't peck me deliberately but if my hand is btwn them and the food, I get the odd accidental peck but nothing serious. The worst I've had is a fat lip from the end of clipped wing in the face!

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Bertha pecks me and shouts at me, she's a big scaredy chicken, but it feels like she doesn't like me sometimes. I went to shut the eglu door the other night but there was some bark in the way and I had to reach in to move it and she pecked me hard just because she was scared I think.


She didn't like it yesterday when I went out in the pouring rain to shut them in the run with some corn I was wearing a big coat with fur arounf the hood and i think she thought I was some wild creature and started bock bocking really loud :lol:

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Hi nursechick, your new girls may settle down in time.


When my Omlet girls arrived they pecked my hand every time I opened the run door. It was Summer and they also pecked toenails (painted ones are better), stitching of my shoes, stitching of my jeans etc etc..... After a month they just stopped. Now when I open the run door they just ignore my fingers and rush straight out as soon as possible.


However, when they are free ranging if I put out my hand near ground level they assume I'm holding food and have a quick peck to see.

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Pom nearly swallowed my finger whole the other day! I made the mistake of bending down to hand feed them some mealworms and she launched at my finger - it went straight down her throat! :shock: It didn't hurt but I was slightly surprised at how long it took her to realise she couldn't swallow it any further and let go :?:roll:

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Pom nearly swallowed my finger whole the other day! I made the mistake of bending down to hand feed them some mealworms and she launched at my finger - it went straight down her throat! :shock: It didn't hurt but I was slightly surprised at how long it took her to realise she couldn't swallow it any further and let go :?:roll:


It hurt when Abbie pecked my ear, there was blood :roll:


Anyway, I lift out the pin using the top end and use the loop at the top to hook the loops on the door off the bits that stick out. I dig the pin in the ground to keep the door open. It keeps my fingers maybe a metre away. They rush out so fast they nearly trip over each other and would hit the door if I didn't move it straight out of the way. :lol:

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