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little chickadee

Battery hen jumpers - ADVICE FROM BHWT PLEASE READ

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Laughing Hens has just got back to me with the knitting pattern for the chicken jumper. (they are a wool and knitting supplier on the web and had a competition to design a battery hen jumper for when they are first rescued and don't have enough feathers to keep them warm)


I'll send it to anyone who pm's me with their email address (It's too big to send on a personal message) , or I can post it if you don't have access to a printer.


the link to the article about the competition winner and a picture of two of her ex-batts wearing the jumper is here


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Thanks little chickadee - you're fab! :D:D:D


:oops: Well thankyou!!!! It may take a while, as I have to take plenty of breaks - when did you say you were getting them? I've started now anyway. The first bit is red - do want to stick to red, or do stripes appeal?!


We're picking them up 28th March - I'm sure the little darlings won't mind at all what colour jumpers you knit for them as long as they're cosy and warm. :D So, whatever you find easiest will be great :wink:

Thanks very much!

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Ok, I see an opportunity here - I don't have ex-batts, but I do know how to knit and I am keen to get back into it again after several years out of practice!


If anyone out there has got some bald chickens, and would like a jumper, let me know - then I'll pm little chickadee for the pattern, and get knitting.

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Ta Daaaah! :D


I've finished my first one. if anyone needs a hand with the instructions, I managed to figure them out.


The link to the article about the woman who designed the jumper and pictures of two of her ex-batts wearing them is here



Here are the instructions for fitting it onto a chicken - does that make sense??!



"One person holds the chicken at ground level,with both hands wrapped around her body restraining her wings. The second person faces the chicken and gathers the Tux up (as if it were a sock or a leg of a pair of tights) and puts the Chux-Tux over the chicken's head and over the first person's hands, so that it is well down her body but in front of her legs. The first person, with the second person's assistance, then gently manoeuvres one wing at a time, though the opening so that both wings are outside the Tux. It is very important that whilst you are handling the chicken's wings and she feels your grip loosen to free the wing, that she does not flap and try to escape at this point, as she would easily be injured.


Once the wings are out, the second person adjusts the fastening to a comfortable fit. Carefully release the chicken. and observe her to make sure all is well. To take the Tux off, simply undo the button and slide the Tux off the back of the chicken, so as not to ruffle her feathers, making sure that her legs are not caught in the garment. Again, this is best done by two people.


I think that if the 'Chux-Tux' is used as soon as the chicken is rescued, she may get used to it. Queenie did not enjoy her new look and her companions were also alarmed. Although my design has exceeded my expectations I have taken it off Queenie and I keep all the chickens warm with the infra red lamp, she is clever enough to stay in the shed most of the time and only ventures out for short periods. Mo, one of her companions, had even fewer feathers than Queenie, when they arrived, and now you would not recognise her , she looks almost normal, so I am sure that Queenie will be fine very shortly. "

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ooooh I'm supposed to be getting my ex batts next month.


Never been able to knit though - tried it once and had a disaster, Mum can't knit either! As for my granny - even when she thought she could knit she was terrible at it.

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