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on a lighter note : Chicken run extention....

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Not yet - next on my list. Penny gave me a call today. OH took the message whilst I was under the influence - no I am teetotal - it was the effects of the physiotorturist. And I took her some of my home made cakes too! :lol:

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yup. and somewhat stupidly arranged to pick up more chooks,,,before the run arrives. Maybe I could get a babysitter to supervise freeranging on thursday and just PRAY that it arrives on friday as promised...I also ordered a grub and glug as my rather picky chooks aren't keen on drinking from the peanut.

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Mine hasn't arrived yet :(


Did other people get theirs in the morning? My Glug and Grub came quite early yesterday morning, and I lurked around until 9.15 today, but then I had to go to work. I hope they're nice and big, as I decided to bite the bulllet and stuff the new girls in with the old ones. No blood yet, but it's a little cosy in the run. The pekins love having the old peanuts closer to the floor though, and the big chooks love the glug. Quite a bit of pecking first thing this morning, but they've settled down. Penny tried to start a fight with the araucana, who looked a bit puzzled and sort of ignored her, and then finally belted her one and pulled out a load of feathers. Penny ran over to Bob to complain, and Bob wandered nonchalantly over to the araucana, bit her bum and ran away with an air of 'I've sorted HER out'. The pekins are so funny. :D

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Phil picked mine up this afternoon, it's sitting in the middle of the dining room, got some more pellets and some of that there Kobashi stuff too. I doubt that I'll get time this weekend to do the run extension, I will have to sort it out the following week, besides I need to extend the shower curtain cover.

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I have ordered mine and I was thinking of using the winter or summer cover for the end bit Clare - is that feasible?


Or else move up the shower curtain to the top bit and put the winter cover nearer the door?


Luckily I got 4 Ikea shower curtains and only used two!


Let me know how you get on with the neutraliser powder - I wonder if it is better than the garlic powder.


The garlic powder works at the moment.

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I reckon that might work Kooringa. I am going to play around, might go over to Ikea sometime and pick up another shower curtain and have a go at grafting it onto the one i have.



I think the Kobashi stuff is for neutralising acid rather than smell, so the poo can go on regular plants and not burn them.

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