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Broccoli stems and sweet potato peelings

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Hi folks,


Just getting myself mentally prepared for our ladies' arrival on Monday - very excited!


I was making dinner this evening and dumped the broccoli stem and sweet potato peelings in the compost bin. Are these the sorts of things that I could chop up and give to the chooks?


I know you're not supposed to feed ordinary potatoes, but sweet potatoes are a different family of veg aren't they?



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I know you're not supposed to feed ordinary potatoes, but sweet potatoes are a different family of veg aren't they?


You can feed them ordinary potato peelings but you must cook them first.

I'm not sure about sweet potato peelings, but you could cook them just to be on the safe side. I cook all veg peelings and leaves because mine won't eat them raw :roll:



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Mine aren't keen on uncooked peelings, but they love them cooked. Any green weg is fine raw. Don't be surprised if they seem to ignore anything other than pellets at first. It takes a little time for them to acquire new tastes. You'll soon find out what they like and dislike! 8)

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my lot love broccoli, I hang one up in the run and its demolished like they are a load of vultures! :D its pecked to death but they leave the bare stalk :roll:


Oh, so they don't eat stalk then? I always feel guilty about chucking it in the compost and was hoping that if I chopped it up small they would eat it.


Not sure that i can be bothered to cook peelings actually. Perhaps I'll change my mind once I fall in love with the girls!

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Mine don't get the peelings, I seem to find that I accidentally cook a little too much of everything! :liar: accidentally of course, so ours get left over sweetcorn, pasta, mashed potato (which they would happily kill you to get at) and the occasional raw cabbage. Mine won't touch broccoli, maybe because I can never spell it! You'll soon find out what they like - if they like peelings then fab, I could never be bothered to cook them and to be honest our chooks grub around in the compost heap so they eat plenty of raw stuff!


Mrs Bertie

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Why should chickens not have uncooked potatoes?


Same reason we can't - potatoes are members of the nightshade family :shock: and their tubers can contain toxins, especially if they have developed any green bits


Mine aren't keen on greens - Nutmeg likes cabbage, but only if I tear it into tiny pieces for her :roll: Maybe that's why they like broccoli - easy to peck? Anyway, there's seldom any left over in our house, so I haven't tried it!

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