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Oops ... its another I went to 'x' & came back with 'y'

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The curse of Omlet strikes again :lol::roll:


We went to the National Caravan, Camping & boat show at the NEC this weekend. Now I didn't come back with a boat (even my credit card limit wouldn't stretch to £283,995)


instead I found a Croc stall.


and tried on a pair of Georgie boots (I have big calves and can never get wellie boots to fit). They fitted beautifully, so I decided to have them. The only shame was they only had black and I wanted lime green


I then tried on a pair of caymans ... they were so comfortable, so the credit card came out again.


I was just walking away when I spied a pair of Mary janes. They went on the feet and didn't come off again until I walked through my front door 7 hours later. :oops: (I did pay for them!)


I left the stall rather rapidly before I bought a pair of M-Js in every colour and melted my credit card. Luckily they were out of stock of silver.


However I have spied the Sassari and the Ithaca on the website ... hmmm, next month maybe??????


Think I might be a crocs convert. :lol: Ok I didn't need the caymans and the Mary Janes, and if I had seen the Mary Janes before the Caymans then I might only have 2 pairs sitting in my hallway but you know how it is... :oops::oops::roll:

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Well done for stopping at three pairs, now that's what I call restraint :wink::D


F&C, I think I know what you mean. I have small feet and I love dainty, feminine footwear, but I just bowed to Omlet pressure one day and bought fake ones in the market, they were too comfy, and I now have a pair of real crocs, thanks to a really cheap crocs site link posted by ubereglu. I got my first pair of real crocs for just £15 and free p+p 8)

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I just cant get into crocs. I don't know what it is about them, but i cant get into them, i think its because they are so rubbery.


Hmmmm, i don't know, prehaps if i try some on in a shop.



that's exactly what I thought but they really aren't - I was ever so surprised. I think the photos of them are very deceptive. And they are soooo light! :shock: They must weigh ounces, literally.


The Caymans will be for pootling round the garden, as they aren't the most attractive. The MJs will be for venturing into the big wide world!

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:lol: It wasn't just me falling to temptation at the show then! Hubby liked the boats too, I thought the chickens might get sea-sick! :lol:


Did you look around the big sunseeker, hubby said it was spectacular.

I preferred the caravans.


YD got her third pair of crocs there too, they had a brilliant choice. They were my favourite shoes but now I love my MBTs. :lol:

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Three pairs of crocs all bought in one day-Wow.


I bought my first pair in August, (Navy Caymans), then I got a pair for my birthday in September, (Sea Foam Mary Janes) and a pair of Purple caymans bought with my birthday money in October.


Now my Mum has two pairs of Caymans, (Khaki and Red)


I fancy a pair of Primas, so next tine we go to Glastonbury I'll hopefully get some from the lookatmycrazyshoes.com actual shop, (It's so cool).


BTW if you want Ithaca croc flipflops then they are currently £22 from jellyegg.com

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I exerted extraordinary force of will yesterday and didn't buy any Crocs when I went into town, because nowhere in Cambridge had the colour/size/style combinations I wanted :shock::cry:


I already have a pair of bright red Georgie wellies (bought in a sale for £15!), for being a trendy young (i.e not retirement age) allotmenteer, but they're too hot for summer wear so I want some caymans in sage or army green - something subtle enough that I can wear them to work and visit the allotment on my way to or from. That and dashing across the muddy garden to the eglu in the mornings! In fact I probably need two pairs, one for the garden/serious allotmenteering and one to keep clean for work. The latter might be better as MJs...


It's lucky I have small feet and can fit into the child size ones... ;)

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I resisted looking at this thread, for obvious reasons. Then I opened it, and thought - phew, it's about Crocs so that's ok. (I do have one pair of Crocs, and they are great for holidays and the garden but I don't love them so much that I want several pairs.)


And then I read the fateful words ... "I have big calves and can never get wellie boots to fit". :shock: This has always been a problem for me - I buy Duo boots to wear to work, but wellies are the bane of my life, there are some jobs (hosing out the Eglu!) where they are essential but even short ones are a problem.


Aaaargh - why did I read this? Where is my nearest Crocs retailer and when can I get there ... The Omlet Shopping Curse strikes again! :P

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OK so how many Omleteers were actually at the NEC yesterday!


We went to but I resisted the temptation to buy any more crocs (last weekend my bank card too a hammering at the outlet village in Swindon :oops:)


It was a research exercise for us as we're changing our caravan this year and I fell in love with a Hymer van - and a snip at £18,000!! :shock:

Looks like it'll either be a Bailey Pageant or a Lunar Quasar, or a Defltletts Campy, or an Eriba Familia.... Oh heck! It was meant to narrow the choices down to 1 or 2 not add more confusion!!


We briefly went into the boat hall to go the the Volvo stand :roll: - purely to see the new V70 and get some towing weight info, and catch a glimpse of the narrowboat I want, a SeaOtter aluminium craft.


Best check the lottery ticket I think, you never know :lol:




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Oh, no............is this turning into another Crocs thread, albeit in disguise 8):lol::lol::lol::lol:


I've got 3 pairs of real crocs, all very comfortable, and 1 pair of fakes that someone gave me as a gift, which, surprisingly are pretty much as comfortable as the real things.


I've been very guilty of impulse buying in the past, but I'm trying very, very hard not to make any more unnecessary or impulse purchases for the next few months, don't quite know how likely I am to succeed at that..........but I'm trying anyway :wink:


Sounds like you all had a good day at the NEC yesterday.........strange that so many Omleteers were there, if only you'd all known before you could have had a mini meet up :D

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If I wear them "barefoot" if you see what I mean, they sometimes make interesting noises. :oops::lol:


Mine make squeaky noises, a bit like the bantams - Pepper in particular doesn't so much cluck as honk like an old-fashioned car-horn :shock:


I should have called her Harpo! :lol:

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OK so how many Omleteers were actually at the NEC yesterday!





if only we had known we could have had a meet-up! :(

we were also looking at the caravans, with a view to upgrading next year. But having looked round none of them were any different to ours, so we came away happy, but planning on having a long boat holiday.


sounds like a caravan meet might be the next thing ....

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Well I think that you should be awarded for 'restraint' with your shopping and not purchasing a boat and two caravans (in different colours) -

Although knowing how I love my 'mary-Janes' I can understand that they won over the above,

I went into the Covent Garden croc shop last Autumn. The staff started to look at me strangely as I just didn't want to LEAVE.

My friend had to take me by the hand and romove me eventually. She said she was getting a bit 'high' on the croc plastic smell fumes..... :roll:

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Yes - It is Luuurvly - I am afraid I can't help with the address. It is only about 5 mins walk from Covent garden - railway station side. Don't know area very well I am afraid. We sort of fell upon it - It was nice getting 'lost' on that occasion ! It HAS loads of 'JIBBITS'

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apropos of boats, my sister's yacht (that her and her OH have renovated) is now in the water. They still have lots of jobs to do on her but I think she's a very pretty little yacht. God bless her and all who sail in her! :lol:











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Well I think that you should be awarded for 'restraint' with your shopping and not purchasing a boat and two caravans (in different colours) -

Although knowing how I love my 'mary-Janes' I can understand that they won over the above,

I went into the Covent Garden croc shop last Autumn. The staff started to look at me strangely as I just didn't want to LEAVE.

My friend had to take me by the hand and romove me eventually. She said she was getting a bit 'high' on the croc plastic smell fumes..... :roll:


There is a crocs Store in Meadowhall, Sheffield. :lol:

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