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Right Girls - Hair washing and not doing it with shampoo

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Wow, I'm impressed!


I'm currently 12 days in, and 2.5 days after an emergency minimal-shampoo, and I'm frankly stunned at how OK my hair feels, considering the vile sticky weather and lack of "normal" washing :D

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Ok ok, you guys are persuasive! I will try bicarb tonight and see how it goes! quote]

:lol::lol: Was it something we said? :wink: Well, I really do hope it does the trick, you could do with a lift after 17 weeks. Fingers crossed xx I feel a bit responsible now.

I'm glad it's been beneficial for you too, Redfox, that's great.

Merryn, good to hear from you. Doing colour or highlights 3 or 4 times a year can't be helped, and really won't be a setback. Sounds as if it's going really well.

When I bought the oils for Esther's hair, I was describing needing protective oils for extremely dry hair. The shop assistant reached out & held a lock of my hair! Then, we both recoiled & grimaced.

Me, because no one gets to touch my hair yet, so I backed away like this :shock::shock: mumbling that it was for my daughter.

Her, because my "extra dry" hair was puzzlingly far from being dry, and also my action probably made her jump. :lol:

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Well I bicarbed last night and was convinced that it was a wastse of time. OH came in late and as we were sat talking I realised that my hair must be dry by now. so trying to sound casual I asked "How does my hair look?"

OH looked me up and down critically and said:


"It looks washed, I take it you have given up and gone back to shampoo!" !!!!!!


Well I ran up the stairs to the mirror quicker than a baby cheetah, and it really does look washed! It looks better than washed! Before I started this whole thing my hair was very fine and very pale blonde. Today it looks much thicker on top and slightly darker. I like it! :D


Thank you thank you thank you so much for persuading me not to shampoo guys!!!! I am so happy today! :D:D:D

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I think maybe I didn't use enough bicarb when I tried it - I got bored of trawling through the thread looking for instructions, so I erred on the cautious side and only used a scant teaspoon in about half a pint of water :(


I think we need a new thread with just "recipes" and a selection of top tips, and to keep this one for discussing our progress...

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Hi all, I'm still here! 4 weeks in now and just one vinegar rinse last weekend - it was awful at first but when I'd rinsed it through again it was lovely, really lovely for a whole day, just bright and shiny, thick-ish and happy! Then I've had about 3 days of it being OK.


There was only one day I nearly shampood and that was my birthday when my sister in law arrived with her hair looking like she'd 'just stepped out of the salon' - eek!


Anyway, i told my folks, my bro and sis-in-law about not shampooing and they were all quite intrigued and saying how Johnny Walker is doing it on Radio 2, he's about 4 weeks in now too!


In summary, I'm really enjoying this, and you know what, it feels like the RIGHT thing to do :D


S x

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I'm now 3 weeks and 2 days in :shock: Have managed just a water rinse most of last week but treated myself to a vinegar rinse this morning. Hair feels nice and I think it looks OK.


I think I will have to do a bicarb on Wednesday as I have an important day on Thursday. OH is being sworn in as a magistrate so I want to look presentable at the ceremony.


I must confess that I am still not managing to venture out in public without my lovely locks pinned up in a clip :oops: I guess I'm just not sure how lovely they are right now :?

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I've decided that this hot weather is not the ideal time to go the whole hog with giving up shampoo - I feel bad enough being so sweaty all the time without adding greasy hair to the mix! :oops:


However, I'm only shampooing about once a week now, at weekends - working in an air-conditioned office, I can manage with the odd vinegar rinse during the week. I'm also using less shampoo when I do use it - overall, I think I'm using about one-sixth the amount I used to!


It's also interesting to note that my hair stays clean for longer after shampooing - it used to be limp and greasy after a couple of days, but I gave it a dab of shampoo on Friday when I showered, and it still feels as clean as if it has just been washed :shock::D


When the weather cools down I will definitely cut back further and see how I get on :)

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I suggested she tried this system a couple of months ago without saying i was actually doing it :lol:


She is now going to stop the hair dye - thank goodness :roll: It looks fine at first but the sun lightens it to a brassy blonde that is not a good look for a 58 year old methinks :lol:


She is going to get a trim and then get the hairdresser to dye it as close a shade to her natural now grey speckly colour and grow it out and then I think I will come clean and try to pursuade her to try I was seeing how dry and frizzy she looks and I though crikey that was me as well (without the dye) a few months ago her hair type is the same as mine so it should work well for her too 8)


Trouble is she will want to go backwards at the first sign of oils as she is obsessed with how she looks even though she can aviod people for the worst bits :evil:

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As my mum has the same sort of hair as mine I know that it doesn't take colour easily and that it will make it really dry and frizzy some hair just doesn't like some of the harsh dyes and it has taken me a while to convince her to try going without it :lol:

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As I said earlier - I've not had my highlights done this time round - and am back to my, now, natural 'rat' colour. I'm trying not to get too depressed about it and thinking of all those chemicals :( My hair was always dark blonde until I had it cut short and it went mousey - the fine highlights put it back to the colour it always was.


I'm avoiding the mirror whan I can - I suppose I should be grateful that I haven't got any grey yet :?

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I've decided that this hot weather is not the ideal time to go the whole hog with giving up shampoo - I feel bad enough being so sweaty all the time without adding greasy hair to the mix! :oops:


However, I'm only shampooing about once a week now, at weekends - working in an air-conditioned office, I can manage with the odd vinegar rinse during the week. I'm also using less shampoo when I do use it - overall, I think I'm using about one-sixth the amount I used to!


It's also interesting to note that my hair stays clean for longer after shampooing - it used to be limp and greasy after a couple of days, but I gave it a dab of shampoo on Friday when I showered, and it still feels as clean as if it has just been washed :shock::D


When the weather cools down I will definitely cut back further and see how I get on :)


I was having a real wobbly moment last Thursday. I vinegared my hair in preparation for a weekend away. It felt really clean and lovely, but once it had dried I was so disappointed with how it looked. It still felt soft and clean, but it was stuck to my head (but no grease). It looked awful. OH looked up the pH of sweat (it having been so very hot) and discovered it is acidic at 5.5. My scientific knowledge is very scant, but it seems to me that adding more acid (vinegar) will make it worse not better (which it did!). So on Friday I did a bicarb rinse (alkaline) and hoped for the best as I drove 250 miles north! It worked! My hair was lovely and remained so for the whole weekend. :) So Redfox is right that the hot weather may require a different treatment.


I would be delighted to hear some real scientific reasoning if anyone has some!

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