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OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I went and checked the egg port, and Kiev (the black hen) was settled on the egg port. She jumped off and there was nothing there. Anyway, I just noticed all 3 hens pecking around, and went for another check. There was another egg! I am now thinking we missed yesterdays first egg, and this is from the same girl (It is the same colour and only slightly larger at 51 gms. I am also wondering if it was Kiev that laid the egg not Clover. How confusing life is! I need another egg to compare colour :wink:

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Thanks Helen. I hope I can tell who lays what. Someone posted you can tell the colour of the eggs by the hens ears. If that is so, none of mine layed either egg lol. Kiev has really brown ears, Clover has white, and Mimi has kind of white, I am hoping they are blue or green, I really want odd coloured eggs :wink:

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I would LOVE a blue/green egg layer, but I am not 'allowed' another one (Look up 'allowed' in the Omlet Englush Dictionary).


OH bought me the Eglu for Christmas but only wants two girls. I have stuck to the two so far.... I am trying to find a time when he will be away for a few days to sneak in another hen, but he would definitely notice her!

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I am trying to find a time when he will be away for a few days to sneak in another hen, but he would definitely notice her!


Tell him you have to have another hen - firstly so you get enough eggs (I'm going up to 4 hens for that reason :) ) and secondly, if in the unlikely event something happens to one of your girls, the other one would be alone and that's just cruel :( . So you have to get another one, just in case :lol: . In fact, just introduce 2 new ones (easier than one!) and tell him you'll make more cakes :lol: .

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Thank you all for the congrats. Fried egg was the prefered cooking method, and very yum it was too!

I agree that you should tell your OH you need another hen Daph and Marg`s owner. Odd numbers are better in nature :wink: and the argument that one would be lonely if something happened is good, also if you have them staggered it will be better if they go off lay when they moult (see everyone I do read this forum :D

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