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How sad is this?

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What a terrible thing!!! Not the kind of thing one can ever forget is it? :(

There are a lot of stories about dogs entering people's properties... I can't help thinking, don't people keep their dogs under control? I plan to have a dog in a year or two, and the first I will do is make sure my dog is securely held in my garden, with no means of getting out...

Our neighbour's dog used to often get into our garden, and she still does whenever she has the chance, and she is a sweet dog, but I wouldn't be happy if she ever had hurt any of my pets in my own garden... I don't mind her around, but I still can't think why the neighbours let her roam like that... surely that's not safe for her... but if a dog is also aggressive and harmful, surely not keeping them securely fenced in is sheer madness?

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Dont get me started on this story. There are so many people who keep their dogs unexercised and unsocialised in their back gardens and when they escape out of sheer boredom this is what happens.

In the summer these idiots take their crazed mutts out to the park for the first time in months and are genuinely horrified when it mauls another dog or a child.

I would like to see the owners shovelling s**t at their local Dog Rescue Centre for a year as payback.

You shouldnt have got me started.

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