Popcorn Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 I've missed you lot! Sorry not been around for a while. My spare time is precious at the minute, so I am spending it wisely! I've not updated by blog in a few weeks either. Anyway - I know there are a few 'pram' experts on the forum and wanted to know if anyone had any advice on the Cosatto Duet Lite double buggy. If anyone does know the pram, you'll know that the back seat reclines fully for baby to have a nap. I'm worried that the mechanisms for folding the pram can be felt through the fabric where baby lies and it's not quite as flat or comfy as It could be. I'm going to have a trawl through the internet and see if I can find a forum that can help me, but just thought I'd check in here first. Baby due in 9 weeks. I'm a walking weeble! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 Hello there! Was just thinking about you this morning - talking about the Leicester meet Hope you are getting plenty of rest! Sorry, don't know anything about double buggys though We used a buggy board (the one that they can sit on). Sparkleeee is the one to ask! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah 2 Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 Anyway - I know there are a few 'pram' experts on the forum and wanted to know if anyone had any advice on the Cosatto Duet Lite double buggy. I've seen them before but have never tried one out. So I can't really comment. We have a Phil and Teds for our boys. They're great because they can also be used as a single. But the shopping basket isn't very big. Hope this helps. Sarah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 I wouldnt bother to be honest. Sling and single buggy and then a buggy board. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 hi, sorry never had one, i have had quite a few doubles though but most of them were off road types with the big wheels. the phil and teds (i have had all versions) are good but the best was the mountain buggy side by side and you can have a carrycot as well and a huge shopping basket. it was fantastic off road and on the beach. if you dont go off road alot then it would probably be a bit bulky and heavy compared to some of the others. there are some great deals on e-bay if you look at the newly liated BINs but do some research first and check how much they are worth first. have you tried asking on mumsnet or netmums, they might be able to help. there is a great phil and teds sport with loads of accessories on e-bay at the moment BIN £210 (worth£350 secondhand) but it is a collection only in scotland. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 i have just had a quick look on e-bay there are a few new ones on there. the first thing i thought is 'is there any room for the legs of the child in the back seat?' it is nice and compact though. i had a mutsy duo seat and it didnt have much room for the childs legs in the back seat when they sat up so wasnt much use after 6 months. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shirl Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 I def agree that a sling and single buggy is the way to go. That way when the older child wants to walk(run away) you can leave the buggy and run after them without fear of someone pinching your baby (sorry paranoise mummy here ). For great pushchair advice try http://messageboards.ivillage.co.uk/n/mb/listsf.asp?webtag=iv-ukpbc"Ooops, word censored!"ats&nav=start&prettyurl=%2Fiv%2Dukpbc"Ooops, word censored!"ats . I used to be an advid poster there but I'm in recovery from my pushchair addiction because it had to make way for my sling addicition Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 I used to be an advid poster there but I'm in recovery from my pushchair addiction because it had to make way for my sling addicition And that in turn has made way for your chicken addiction! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted March 1, 2008 Share Posted March 1, 2008 I think it depends upon your personal situation and how much you will be out and what you are doing.i did use the baby sling and a single buggy occasionally as well but sometimes i needed to have them both strapped in a buggy so i could just do things without a baby there all the time (like at the doctors or shopping). I am usually on my own when out as OH works most of the time and i do go out alot so i needed more flexability. It was nice to take my toddler to the park or beach and play with him whilst my baby was in the pram sleeping not beening jiggled around by me moving all the time. I did have a friend who used to carry her baby all the time in a sling and when she wanted to put her in a pram the baby would cry. she wouldnt sleep on her own and ended up being carried everywhere. it was a nightmare for my friend in the end. i does depends how much you plan to use the buggy. if it is for a few occasional trips to town you will possibly need something different to long walks out or trips to the park etc. also the littlelife baby rucksacs with reins are great, it always stops my toddler from getting away when i am out and i can even attach it to the buggy so its hands free reins. he carries his beaker and money in there so he feels like a big boy. how old is your toddler?, would they use a buggyboard? also do you know if the cossato is stocked by somewhere like mothercare so you can go and have a look before you buy. you could always pad the seats with a lambskin liner. i use a lambskin footmuff on my buggy and its really thick. if you are anywhere near kiddicare in peterbough they are moving shop in 5 weeks and are reducing their shop display models soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shirl Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 I think it depends upon your personal situation and how much you will be out and what you are doing.i did use the baby sling and a single buggy occasionally as well but sometimes i needed to have them both strapped in a buggy so i could just do things without a baby there all the time (like at the doctors or shopping). I am usually on my own when out as OH works most of the time and i do go out alot so i needed more flexability. It was nice to take my toddler to the park or beach and play with him whilst my baby was in the pram sleeping not beening jiggled around by me moving all the time. I did have a friend who used to carry her baby all the time in a sling and when she wanted to put her in a pram the baby would cry. she wouldnt sleep on her own and ended up being carried everywhere. it was a nightmare for my friend in the end. . If you need to have the freedom to move without bubs in the way you can put it on your back. I often do it with H. Babies don't mind the jiggling, as long as the head is well supportd, it's what they've been used to for the last 9 months. H has been in a pram/pushchair less than 6 times, she's nearly 1, but she sleeps in a cot fine, goes to other people fine and when we go to toddler group is off like a shot. All children are different if your friend's child hadn't been carried in a sling she would have just been classed as a clingy child. What is a clingy child though? One that loves the warmth and closeness of its mother? Is that so bad? Personally I don't see why as a nation we have gained this mind set that we strap our children in the car seat in the morning and they stay there nearly all day Before anyone gets upset I'm not saying anyone on here does that (well how could I? I don't know). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jules. Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 www.kiddicare.com was the cheapest place I found for my Maclaren buggy & the Britax car seats we have. Great speedy free delivery, too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popcorn Posted March 2, 2008 Author Share Posted March 2, 2008 Thanks for the replies everyone. You're a very helpful bunch, and I appreciate your advice. We've got everything else we need passed down from Stefan.....probably even clothes even if this one is a girl!! I have used Kiddicare a lot for bits and bobs. It's a great place. I have a buggy board ready to go, but Stefan is too young to use one just yet. For short journeys he'd be ok. I'm the same as you Sparkleee (I knew there was a pram expert amongst us!) with walking everywhere. I don't tend to use the car much, so Stefan still has his sleeps in the pram if I'm out and about, which I am a lot when not at work. Hopefully in 6 or so months I can go back to using a single again with the buggy board. A sling is no good with me having a section again. I tried using one with Stefan going out and about, but after a section I found it unbearable. I will pop the baby in mine though while I'm around the house and garden. I did find it helped build up my tummy muscles again. I am a REAL plonker though! I have discovered why I can feel the mechanism through the back of the seat back. The pram wasn't properly erect. I hadn't pushed the foot peddle flat to lock it into place. Since discovering my silly mistake I am really happy with the pram. It's so compact and light weight, and not much larger than a single. The baby can lie flat in the back and is all cocooned and warm and cosy. I'd have loved a Phil and Ted's, but money won't allow. They look brilliant. Even second-hand ones we've seen are over our budget. The cosatto is a really good double though. We got a great deal on Ebay, and the lady only lived 20 minutes from us so no postage costs. I've been happily cleaning it this morning with my steamer! What a great buy that was! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smudgley Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 There's 19 months between my 2. I did use a sling when Lucy was very little and found this good, but I used to go walking a lot with them & the dogs and found my double buggy was great for this. I had a tandem one as I thought the side-by-side ones were very wide when negotiating doors etc. {My girls are now 10 & 11 so I am going back a bit} Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 I have discovered why I can feel the mechanism through the back of the seat back. The pram wasn't properly erect. I hadn't pushed the foot peddle flat to lock it into place. Since discovering my silly mistake I am really happy with the pram. It's so compact and light weight, and not much larger than a single. The baby can lie flat in the back and is all cocooned and warm and cosy. The cosatto is a really good double though. We got a great deal on Ebay, and the lady only lived 20 minutes from us so no postage costs. I've been happily cleaning it this morning with my steamer! What a great buy that was! thats great!!! they are a good price and they do look really lightweight and about the same size as a single. at least in the back seat the baby will have a view, with our phil and teds with the newborn underneath they cant see much and my little girl didnt like that much.also would you be able to fit a phil and teds cocoon in the back seat as they are great you can just pop them in and out they can be really cheap sometimes on e-bay. to be honest i didnt look at buggies like the cosatto because it didnt have big air tyres but i had a look at it on e-bay and it is actually a great little buggy, nice and compact and a great price. is there room at the back for a childs legs when it gets older? you will probably be using a singe and buggyboard by then though. we are at that stage now with a single and buggyboard (which isnt used much). we have been planning another baby but my youngest will be almost 3 so i think the buggyboard with a seat will be ok by then. enjoy mothers day Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popcorn Posted March 2, 2008 Author Share Posted March 2, 2008 Not heard of the Phil and Ted's cocoon Sparklee. Will have a browse and see if I can find one. Sounds perfect. We got the double buggy for £50.00. It's in perfect condition, especially now it's been blasted with my steamer! I'm sure if the lady had cleaned it up herself a bit more she could have easily got more money for it. I think she just wanted it out of the way to be honest. There is plenty of leg room in the back when baby can sit up, but I think it will only be used for around 12 months anyway. By then Stefan will hopefully be using the buggy board inbetween walking. For £50.00, is doesn't matter if it's only in use for a year. At the risk of boring you to tears, here's a couple of photo's. (Ignore the work in progress in the background that is our garden!) and here it is with both hoods on.... I feel much better now, knowing I can get around easily with two young children without the hastle of having to use the car, or fiddle around with slings etc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 I love the top picture....not because of the buggy, which is very nice and an absolute bargain.....but because of the hen pecking at the grass in the corner. Delightful! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popcorn Posted March 2, 2008 Author Share Posted March 2, 2008 I didn't spot Thelma there Egluntine. She's usually so camera shy too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted March 3, 2008 Share Posted March 3, 2008 wow!!! that was a bargain!!!! it does look lovely!! the cocoons are great if you have to pop out of the house with the baby as you can just lift them in and out of the buggy without disturbing them. i used to like it at toddler group as i could walk there with her in the cocoon in the buggy, then lift the cocoon out of the buggy and put her next to me at toddler group and she didnt get disturbed. i could then play with my toddler as well knowing she was safe and pop her back into the buggy when we had finished. you can get some good deals on e-bay so keep your eyes open and they can go into the washing machine. there are other makes around, i think graco do one as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...