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Guest revnev


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Too much to reply to here - we have frogspawn - appeared in our pond on Saturday :) last year we had loads and it all appeared to die - I had fertilised the lawn in the autumn so now have a guilt trip that maybe I poisoned it :cry: Freeing your bearings- maybe try a degreaser and let it soak for a while :?: My dad used wd40 for absolutely everything - that may do it. I take it these are bmx wheels? I had a supergoose as a kid. Many years ago now :?

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There is a bacterial infection that can affect frogs Dan it is called redleg and it usually only happens if they are in environmental stress I think :?


The bacteria is there and if the frog gets stressed it takes over and causes a sunburn like redness on the skin :shock:


No idea about silver eyes though :lol:

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:lol: Dan, so glad to have you back! I've just had the laugh of the week reading your streams of consciousness. Our neighbour has newts, unfortunately, one of my cats brings them in (but doesn't hurt them) Rosie thinks it's cool as she has 'dinosaurs' in her kitchen! I scoop them up and pop them back in the pond :roll:


We have loads of sparrows here, but Banbury is surrounded by agricultural land. Tell you what, swap some of my sparrows for your snow...?

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Dan you are FAB :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I remember that advert with the singing frog (no chickens though........... feel the lawn may not be quite so good with the girls on it..)

I was thinking of you last night

(BEHAVE :roll: )

I caught the end of the Paul O'Grady show and there was a little 7 year old boy on who was SO into trains ("because they are like caterpillars, but instead of lots of caterpillar legs they have lots of wheels" - ah, bless!!) and could recite all the stops on various lines. Apparently his favourite line was the Waterloo to Woking line :lol::lol::lol::lol: a Dan in the making if ever I saw one!

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