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For those who are interested I have conducted a little experiment.


I know you will all think that I need to get out more, but I have saved all the muck vacuumed up by the Roomba, which I have now had for just a couple of days less than a month, to demonstrate that it does a fantastic job.


The pile is on 2 sheets of tabloid newspaper to give an idea of scale.


Click **here**. Picture not for the faint hearted.

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I was going to say that!!


I have just bought my mother a Roomba - and I so want one myself now!! I'm pleased to hear you think it is as effective as a Dyson.

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Lakeland have them now 8)


I love mine he is fabby :lol:


My brushes keep needing to be cleaned because of the cat hair :oops:


It removes a remarkable amount and just trundles round till it needs charging and then puts itslef back on its charger :lol:


It also has a reversing noise when it goes backwards off its charger :lol:

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They have them in costco in Edinburgh Fee for £165 thats where I got mine :wink:


Mine seems okay on wooden floors but it is only the kitchen that is wood so I am not best placed to comment :?


Sarah said hers wasn't good on wooden floors but hers is an earlier model I think :?


If you want a trip to Costco let me know :lol:

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The Lakeland 'blurb' says it has double the suction power of the previous model. It looks (in the pic) like wee brushes come out from underneath and do the corners - is that right?


Costco - don't tempt me Louise, last time I went to buy a plastic under bed box and spent £235 :shock: , didn't get the box though :roll:

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It has a little spining wheel that brushes the crud underneath to the other brushes 8)


Provided you give it time it does a really good job the very furthest reaches of the corners, stairs and I have one rug it is not good on you need to do manually but if you just let it get on wioth it eventually it gets everything picked up :lol:

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My whole ground floor is wooden flooring or tiles - I only have carpet on the stairs and in the upstairs bedrooms. Do you think the Roomba would be good for me? (please bear in mind the consequence of your answers :wink::lol: ).


It would I reckon. I have a tiled kitchen floor and it makes a lovely job of doing that.


I have to say that my house has never been cleaner since I got my Roomba. :lol:

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We've just ordered one :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sent it to Mikey by email (he's downstairs) weighed up the time it would save and he's ordered it.


I can imagine are cats racing about, not happy at this new addition :lol::lol::lol::lol:


It's a great idea and with all the recommendations it's a must have for us. We don't have a cleaner and work full time ( I'd have to tidy up before they came :oops: ) So this is a step nearer to a tidy house.


Well done for posting :D


BBx :D

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I can just see my two cats liking that - they already 'supervise' the cleaning anyway.


I have virtually all wooden floors, which I vacuum and mop weekly. Having 2 cats, there is a lot of cat hair amongst the other general filth. The bagless vacuum that I have empties out that much in about 2 weeks Egluntine :shock::shock:


The cylinder on mine is pretty small, so I empty it after each week's clean. No problem.

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till it needs charging and then puts itslef back on its charger :lol:


Hold on, did I read this right?? It puts itself back???


Yes it does. :lol:


You have to rethink your views on vacuuming.


I imagine most of us could do an average sized room the traditional way in about 10 mins or so.


The Roomba takes much longer, going back an forth many times, but does a very thorough job....and it does get into corners and right up to the skirting boards.. I can really see a difference.


It doesn't take long to get into the new way of thinking. :lol:


Massive thanks to Louise for recommending it.! :lol:

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So which is the best model to get & where is the best place to get it from then.


Just idle curiosity mind,I am not going to actually get one :lol: :whistle:


:lol::lol: I can just see you now, with your feet up, G&T in hand, nattering to the Roomba, Sarah! :lol:


I thought you liked that naked Chippendale, who you had in to clean?

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