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Naughty girls!!!

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I've been wondering what's happened to my girls over the last 3 days. We went from 9 eggs a day to 3 or 4. Kept expecting a nest box full every morning, but no sign :? Today I collected 2. When I went back out to check again I noticed a hint of a red comb under all the foliage, in a half barrel at the back of the run - Big Bertha snuggled in. I lifted her out expecting to find a couple of her large brown speckled eggs, but what a surprise I got! I should have guessed really, but it was still a lovely surprise!


It was just like a real easter egg hunt! :lol: The 'nest' has now been put on it's side. :roll:

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That is brilliant Snowy - what a great find & what a great picture.


We are going away for a weekend in May,& will be gone for 2 whole days,so knowing that they will just keep on laying makes me a bit happier about leaving them on their own 8)

I must remember to get the camera out for when I get back & open up the egg port :lol:

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