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I've just ordered 2 Gingernut Rangers from Omlet, due to arrive on 9 April.


Your girl is stunning she looks beautiful and healthy, I've just shown my husband (anti-chicken), and he was very impressed!!


Do you think if I asked Omlet for 2 slightly different ones so that I could tell them apart, they would oblige, do they have slight colour variations?


I hope they look like yours though, I can't get over how lovely she is I will be very proud if mine grow up like that :D

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Yes, you'll get different shades - I sold Rosie's sister who was paler, with not as much black.


Thanks for the compliments - I'll pass it on to Rosie :lol: - she's really friendly and started laying at 22 weeks, even though her comb and wattles were still very small. She's laid every day since.

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I have four Gingernuts, and two have black markings and two have white markings - there's also a noticeable colour difference in the ginger feathers.


Have to say though, that I struggle to tell the two paler ones apart :oops: I adopted them, and I'm never quite sure which one is which! So it's definitely worth asking Omlet for two 'contrasting' hens.

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Do you think if I asked Omlet for 2 slightly different ones so that I could tell them apart, they would oblige, do they have slight colour variations?


When Hilda and Evadne arrived (two Gingernut Rangers), I could not tell them apart except that one had a dark tail feather in a position that the other didn't. Now that they are three weeks older, it looks as if one is slightly older than the other - slightly bigger (growing) comb.

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Do you think if I asked Omlet for 2 slightly different ones so that I could tell them apart, they would oblige, do they have slight colour variations?


my gingernut rangers arrived about six weeks ago. I asked them to pick different ones and they are ... one is really dark (pickle) and one really light (ginger). Both have gorgeous neck feathers and white tails. they are lovely but very different in colour and nature. So yes, ask Omlet and they do try.... infact they have been really helpful. I think I phoned them a dozen times before i got my cube... i think its all part of the chicken initiation .... they rapidly take over your world though! 2 won't be enough .... I'm already waiting for another 4!

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I have found Omlet very helpful so far, Jan said she'd call me with a time slot the day before so I will ask her then if they can bring two different looking ones, a dark and a lighter one perhaps.


They will be my first 2 girls, so I'm going to build them up gradually to a little flock and get 2 more in the summer. I chose Gingernuts because everyone on here says how friendly they are and easy to keep for beginners.


I know they will change my life, but for the better. I am beside myself with excitement actually!!


Thanks all, for the pics and comments, I know I've done the right thing now in starting off with omlet girls. :lol:

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