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Rolo Rabbit

Girls' first trip out (inc pics!)

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It finally stopped raining yesterday so Shirley, Babs and Bella got to see the rest of the garden. We were more excited than they were! Shirley was busy having a drink when we opened the door and didn't realise the other 2 had gone for a few mins but she soon scuttled after them.








Muffin the kitten thought she was onto a good thing but soon found that it was not a good idea to mess with them -Shirley ruffled up her neck feathers and saw her off. Here's Muffin watching from a safe distance.2008_03_16022.jpg


Rolo rabbit just wanted to play and leapt into the middle of them which gave them a bit of a fright but they soon all settled down together. It was lovely to watch.




So a successful first trip out. :D

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Thank you! I just let them out again (with Rolo) and they had a quick excursion but after about 5 mins they went back in for more pellets. I'm surprised - I thought the excitement of being outside would keep them out there.


Oh... they're just off out again. I love the way they all do everything together. :)

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We let ours out yesterday and today for about an hour(we werent planning on letting them free range just keeping them in our 20ftx10ft run -although i don't think this will be a too regular thing hopefully once/twice a week depending on the weather as we want to always be there to watch them just in case). They seem to enjoy it especially flying across the lawn if something scares them. They always seem to be in th flowebeds though not on the grass-does everyone elses do this?



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Yes thanks Egluntine. Shirley and Bella headed back again but Babs was busy making herself a dust bath under the Pittisporum and hadn't realised they'd gone. I shut the first 2 in and they were quite concerned about Babs and marched up and down, watching her through the chicken wire. I had to grab her in the end as I needed to go to work.


They're getting more confident out there but still find Rolo rabbit a bit alarming. :shock:

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I love that pic with the cat i missed the cat the first time :D


I was going to let mine out this weekend but was miserable weather both days :( trouble is i work from home but as i'm a childminder can't guarentee that i can stay in the garden so will prob have to wait till friday now :(

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