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Perhaps they are slightly different ages? Also, I think pullets do develop at slightly different rates, even within the same breed, through simple genetic variation (just as not all human girls start their periods at the same age). As they are ISA Browns, I assume you got them from a largish supplier, not a small breeder, so they might well not be related...

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I think it must be as Eyren suggested. I got my two Omlet gingernuts on the same day. One developed really quickly and started laying almost 6 weeks ahead of the other one. For a long time the only way i could tell them apart was because of their different comb sizes :?

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yes, me to thats how i tell them apart, i just thought that it was straaange as i was told they were the same age. Maybe they are i don't know but Nutmeg is top dog or should i say chicken. Bramble has a much more gentle nature where as Nutmeg is a Ladette and is soooooooooooo greedy!!!

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Funnily enough, it's the other way round with my girls. Bramble is the one with the well-developed comb and wattles, whereas Nutmeg's are still tiny.


However, in our case it's Bramble who's leader of the pack - so perhaps there is a link between big combs and bossiness :?:



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Yes i think so because Nutmeg is most ceretainly the gilrie in the know. But Bramble is so sweet she follows Nutmeg everywhere and when Nutmeg goes to lay her egg Bramble goes into the house with her and sits patiently waiting until she gets up and comes back out. I think Bramble sees her as the big sister.

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Hmmmm....wish I could say the same for my girls (or one of them, at least!). We've had them nearly 4 weeks and still no sign of an egg! Bramble's been crouching for over a week, though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an egg for Easter.... :pray:



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