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Amber star or Sussex Reverse?

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I am supposed to collect my chickens on Saturday. However I just got an email that they can't give me White star which I ordered due to some problems. :-(


So they offered me one of these. Which one should I go for? I didn't research any of these two breeds and now I am tempted to just collect my ISA brown and Skyline, since I really wanted to have different coloured eggs. But I also think that 3 chickens are better then 2 :wink:

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My Amber star is the loveliest, friendliest chicken I have ever had, and will sit happily on my lap in the garden.


But all chickens are different: there is bound to be someone who has a vicious Amber star, just as I had a vicious Gingernut.


It's hopeless trying to give advice on chickens: they are all beautiful. But an Amber Star is a good idea if you want to have a slightly unusual chicken that has the added bonus of being a hybrid. Mine hardly ever misses a day laying.

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I think that my Dotty is a Reverse Sussex ( see my gallery)even though the breeder I got her from calls them a pied suffolk. She lays a dark brown egg similar to a maran.

I can see why they call them a reverse sussex because when lily the white sussex was with us her and Dotty were best friends and they looks like a positive and negative photo of each other.

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I have been mulling over breeds and one thing I do remember is that a white star produces white eggs and a the amber star I think brown - not sure if that would be a good substitute if you are trying to get the egg colours. Not sure about the sussex - that might be cream or brown eggs.



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Thanks so much everybody!


Laura, I found that picture earlier too :-) It seems to match the description, and looks like a pretty bird.


I wrote to the breeder, that if any of these two lay different brown eggs then ISA brown (which is another one I am getting, next to Skyline) then I would go for that one. Will see what she will reply. :wink:


It is a shame I can't have a white egg layer, but I would not want to add one more hen later to already established two girls.

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