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What type of bedding? (quick answer appreciated!)

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Hiya :D


My chooks' ru is on a patch of grass which has turned into a mudbath in the last few days :( The run's non moveable, so i need to put something down as outdoor bedding.


What can i use? I was thinking of auboise, but i'm thinking that would be better on slabs/concrete? Not on mud.


Would shavings be ok? It's just that i'm off out in a bit to the farm shop (hence quick answer appreciated :wink: ) and they sell shavings there. They don't sell straw or hay. But they sell all manner of horse bedding (inclyding auboise).


Another option would be bark, but i'm not going anywhere near anywhere that sells any for a few days, and really we wanted some bedding down today.


Thanks :D xxxx

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Thanks everyone :D


I *almost* bought aboise, and was just about to load into onto the sack trolley, when the lady who works there got chatting to me and said that she would recommend rape straw.


She said the poo would just sit on the top and would be a lot easier to muck out. It was also about £3 cheaper per bale :wink:


Will add some photos in a minute.. the girls love it! They're scratching round like mad women! :lol:



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Yes, they're all between about 1" and 3" long :( very fine, but still...


To be honest, i should have gone for the auboise... the lady convinced me of the rape straw though... that'll teach me to just buy what's on my shopping list won't it?! :roll::lol: lol


Thanks for the advice :wink:

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I put straw into my nestbox and was told about impacted crop so promplty took it out again. Now The hens, budgie, quail and Rabbit are all on Hemcore i think its better that anything else. When i have to take out my wood chips thats what i'm using without fail, not just in the nest box. By the way fantastic looking chooks

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Awwww... i've just told my lovely OH about this, expecting him to be a bit miffed (he loves the eggs, but gets a bit 'umpty' about spending money on the chooks! lol :lol::roll: ), and he said "we'll use the straw for the pony, and pop back to the farm shop in a minute and get the auboise" :dance:


awwww bless him :lol: he does have to put up with a lot from me :lol:

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every time I log on it costs me more money - we've been using straw or chopped straw in nest box - didn't know any better :oops: off to the farm shop later.


dont the small bits drop through the bottom of the nest box though :?: We probably need it in the run too, we've got grass at the moment, but I'm sure it will be gone in a week :!:


Wormer yesterday, bokashi the day before, hemcore today... any suggestions for the novice to buy tomorrow :P I'm sure hubby is going to lose it with me when he sees the bill :wink:

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every time I log on it costs me more money - we've been using straw or chopped straw in nest box - didn't know any better :oops: off to the farm shop later.


dont the small bits drop through the bottom of the nest box though :?: We probably need it in the run too, we've got grass at the moment, but I'm sure it will be gone in a week :!:


Wormer yesterday, bokashi the day before, hemcore today... any suggestions for the novice to buy tomorrow :P I'm sure hubby is going to lose it with me when he sees the bill :wink:


Some bits do go through LJ...but it is never a massive problem.


Re the bill....don't show him.



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Yep i have spent a fortune in the last week on these chickens that are meant to save us money :roll: I have just spent more getting a Glug.

Tut Tut Angela you must stop spending

I'm glad you have decided to swop you floor covering. as i think Egluntine said better to be save than sorry :D

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Well they could!!! I am blessed with a husband who most of the time doesn't mind what i spend but yesterday i received my Wiggly Wigglers book, that usually puts the fear of god into him. But i saw Bee Hives and he got slightly worried :shock::shock: . Mmmmm i wouldn't mind a few bee's :shock:

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Hehehe.. bees... that's my next venture i think :wink::lol: Of course, OH doesn't even have an inkling... YET :lol:


Well, the rape straw is OUT :clap: and the auboise is IN :dance:


Chooky found it quite amusing being shut away for half an hour while we cleaned it out and put the auboise down.. she came back out and scratched around, flicking it all about with her head, as if to say "you've changed my carpet..... AGAIN?!" :shock::lol:


Then proceeded to bury herself in it until you could only see her head and one wing :lol:


Mabel and Gertrude didn't bat an eyelid.. as usual.. nothing seems to phase them 8)


Thanks for the advice everyone :D xxxx

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