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Cold weather

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In an excited tizz as my 4 girls (and cube) arrive tomorrow! Couple of pre-arrival questions - unfortunately the weather for the weekend (and especially tomorrow) is absolutely DREADFUL! What should I do to keep the girls warm at night?


Second question, trying to get some of that horses bedding that everybody has recommended, however for the first few days will have to put the run on bark (cube going on a patio) will that be OK - should I also add a bit os straw?


Last question - was recommended to get chincilla sand (with a few sprinkles of red mite stuff) in a cats litter box for their dust bath - has anybody tried this?


Look forward to any suggestions

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Your chooks will be nice and warm snuggled together in the cube at night - there's no need to do anything else at all. If the weathers really bad they''ll decide whether to come down into the run or not.


The run will be ok on bark until you get the Hemcore - you'll find the Hemcore is better for drying out when it gets wet, disguising the poo etc.


any time I've given my hens a man-made dust bath all they've done is eat the sand, never bathed in it :roll: - they prefer to dustbathe in fresh hemcore or holes they've dug in the garden :D

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Hello and welcome to the forum


In an excited tizz as my 4 girls (and cube) arrive tomorrow! Couple of pre-arrival questions - unfortunately the weather for the weekend (and especially tomorrow) is absolutely DREADFUL! What should I do to keep the girls warm at night?


Nothing! The Eglu is double insulated and keeps them warm in winter and cool in summer. No need for anything else! :lol:


Second question, trying to get some of that horses bedding that everybody has recommended, however for the first few days will have to put the run on bark (cube going on a patio) will that be OK - should I also add a bit os straw?


The bark will be fine. However straw is not a good idea...they sometimes eat it and it can cause an impacted crop....also it can harbour parasite.....both to be avoided. :lol:


Last question - was recommended to get chincilla sand (with a few sprinkles of red mite stuff) in a cats litter box for their dust bath - has anybody tried this?


Never tried chinchilla sand....I found whatever I gave mine for a dustbath, they ignored it, preferring a patch of earth. :? Worth a try though.

Look forward to any suggestions

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Thanks everybody - absolutely RIDICULOUS how excited I am about tomorrow! We have two dogs (springer spaniel and a lurcher) who aren't going to know what has hit them!


Putting Cube in back patio - which has trellis all the way around it and hope that the "boys" won't notice the "girls" immediately.


Are sprigs of millet OK to hang up for my new babies to nibble?


Unfortunately Epsom pet shops are totally hopeless for anything chicken related - so trying to find the nearest supplier for things. Bocketts Farm - which is open to the public - near Leatherhead was great and gave me a few handfuls of poultry grit and small bag of straw to get me started.

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that's interesting about the millet, as I read about it somewhere else in the forum - the other thing was to get some of those honey seed treats for them (not the ones with fat).


As I don't get home until 5.15 each night, is that too late to give the girls their other meal (will have pelletted food in their feeders all the time)?


Thought of giving them either few handfuls of corn or few handfuls of the meal after work, but I could do it when I go home at lunchtime each day (I have to go home to let out the two dogs)


I already get up at 5.30 every day to walk to dogs!

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