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Happy day

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Last night hubby suggested that because I would rather have money for my birthday that I go shopping today while there are a few sales around and i won't get chance on my birthday because we will be away.


So we dropped YD off this morning and he dropped me in town on his way to work, because it was nice and early I decided to take a chance and check if there were any appointments for a hair cut. I got a lovely lady who has restyled my hair and given me loads of advice and I feel nice and girly, what it will look like by the time I have washed it only time will tell. I am a real hair styling numpty. :lol:


YD didn't notice that I have had about 4 inches taken off my hair when we got home but hey ho :roll: Hubby liked it lets see if the other children notice


I also bought 2 new tops a necklace, some underwear and a new pair of sandals.


I got some other clothes out of the wardrobe when I got home and had a bit of a trying on session, it is so easy to forget the fun of dressing up when you are a wife, mother and domestic drudge :D

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Sounds like you've had a lovely day! 8) It is so easy to take a days shopping for granted isn't it, but I know how much I appreciate a bit of time out every once in a while!


Glad you enjoyed yourself - it'll recharge your batteries for a while :D

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I had my hair cut and coloured yesterday too....really nakes you feel human again doesn't it. I just wish I could dry it smooth like my hair dresser does though. :roll: It tends to go all fuzzy when I do it [especially in weather like today]

Glad your enjoying your Girly session...is he taking you out tonight to show you off?

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Oh what a good idea...I could do with a me day soon. Just starting 4 weeks hols with the kids to occupy everyday! I teach Reception and whenever I have my hair done the children look at me very worried and concerned. Eventually one will pluck up enough courage to ask if I have got a new head!?

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