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Roomba on TV now!

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You could accidentally drop it down the stairs! :lol:


I don't take it upstairs :oops::oops::oops: It would look suspicious if I started now :lol:




*Tea all over keyboard* :lol::lol::lol:


An urge to do some Spring cleaning? Or do you live in a bungalow? :lol::lol:


:think: I'd have to move the railway line currently running between the boys room and the spare room, along the hallway, and pick up all the lego.


Nahh .... too much like hard work! :wink:

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I'd love one but can't se hubby going for it as i'm home all day mainly in the room that needs cleaning most and it would get under my feet.

I had a 1st edition Dyson, lasted 8 yrs :D

When it broke(couldnt afford new dyson) bought a 'hoover' what a load of rubbish now saving up for new dyson!

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Its the Costco - Edmington branch. The Roomba 530 and it is £169 - Do hope my OH isn't still spying on my forum threads.

I am sure I can pass it as "that old thing"..................

If I stick some fur material to it - He will just think that it is one of the pets !! :lol:

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Its the Costco - Edmington branch. The Roomba 530 and it is £169 - Do hope my OH isn't still spying on my forum threads.

I am sure I can pass it as "that old thing"..................

If I stick some fur material to it - He will just think that it is one of the pets !! :lol:


:lol::lol::lol: As long as he doesn't try to feed it! 8)

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