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Kenwood chef I"VE BOUGHT ONE!!!!

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I haven't got a splash guard but I use the base of a loose bottomed flan tin instead :lol: . My flan tin base has a hole in the centre which is perfectly sized for the beater to fit through and the diameter is the same as the Kenwood bowl. It's perfect. Mum who gave me the Kenwood in the first place used a circular plastic biscuit tin lid with a hole cut in the centre.

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I've put a post on freecycle for a splashguard- it's a long shot, but you never know.

If I don't get one then I will build up my KC collection slowly over various birthdays/ Christmases!


What do you all think of the potato peeler?

I'm tempted to buy one.

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I've put a post on freecycle for a splashguard- it's a long shot, but you never know.

If I don't get one then I will build up my KC collection slowly over various birthdays/ Christmases!


What do you all think of the potato peeler?

I'm tempted to buy one.


Go on Gadget Girl - you know you want one! :lol::wink:

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