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umbrella thursday

How can I make my chickens love me?

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Hi everyone

Well we've had the bantam girls for three weeks now and they are loving foraging round the garden in the daytime. The only thing is that they don't seem too fond of us. Does anyone have any tips for taming? Two of them are pekins so I'm sure we should get them to be more used to us, however I don't think my 'keen' two year old daughter is helping as she keeps letting herself into the eglu run to be with them when they're in there. I've told her she has to keep her distance but she's two ...


Any tips would be great - thank you

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If you lift them out of the Eglu at night when they are drowsy and cuddle them....it will get them used to being handled and you used to handling them.


One they come into lay they will be a lot friendlier and will crouch as you approach and you will be able to pick them up that way too.


Bribing with treats in the afternoon is a sure way into their hearts too. :lol:

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How sweet...a friend's grand daughter came to see our girls this weekend and she tried to climb into the eglu run too :lol:


As far as taming is concerned the only thing I can suggest is treats and more treats - especially if you sit down in the garden and put them near you - this worked for our two - especially if had some bread :)

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At the beginning we used to bring a different hen into the house each night as they were getting sleepy - they were very docile and happy to be stroked and cuddled.


They are generally happy to be picked up now but we tend to have to do it just as they're let out (which is when they crouch the best).


Try gentle stroking as they're tucking into a treat :wink: .

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