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Sarah B

I'm sure I have the fussiest hens!

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Hi All,


My girls are not laying yet and I know the appetites change and increase when they are laying but I've tried them with all the treats I've read on here and all they will eat treat wise is raw corn on the cob, mixed corn, live mealworms, dried mealworms, marmite on toast, pasta and a bit of Ready Brek!


They won't so much as look at grapes, raisins, any green veg, tomatoes or canned corn.


Oh they will peck at sunflower hearts but are not that fussed.


Is this normal?


Any ideas what else I could try that I might have missed as they have very expensive tastes!! :shock:



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My girls are not laying yet and I know the appetites change and increase when they are laying but I've tried them with all the treats I've read on here and all they will eat treat wise is raw corn on the cob, mixed corn, live mealworms, dried mealworms, marmite on toast and a bit of Ready Brek!


Yes, everything will change when they start laying. Mine will literally eat anything in the veg line if I parcook it and mix it up in their porridge :roll:



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Mine are a bunch of gannetts and will eat almost anything, even :shock: the crusty end of the brown bread!.


5 out of 8 of them are not even laying yet! I think mine have got ambitions to be broilers! :roll: I'm wondering if there's a bit of peer pressure involved though as all chickens seem to want what another is eating and with each of them having to contend with 7 others....it must be like fast eaters coming from big families! :wink:

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Re the people that give bread, I thought I read this was too fatty? I do give them a bit of toast and marmite now and again though!

I've just read another post on giving them a bit of mash? Who does this and is it good for them?


Bread should be soaked before giving it to them :roll: Do you mean left over mashed potato? Oh yes, one of my chicken's fave treats.



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Mine wouldn't eat many of the Forum Favourites until they were all laying and now they eat everything I offer. They used to sneer at greens but I had a brassica heavy veg box delivered this week and they've been feasting on organic pak choi and spring greens as if it was a fine delicacy!



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